Chapter 1

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I was only 17 years old when my life changed forever. I was working at the local diner in our quite little town of Wolfsburg when I saw him. There sat a man at the end table, staring at me as if he knew me. "Ma'am, can I get a menu please" he motions for my attention. "I'll be right with you" I reply.

The day was slow, but I was trying everything I could to prolong the time that I had to confront him. He was gorgeous. I knew the minute I turned 18 that I would find my mate and that was only a few weeks away. I just couldn't look away from him, and it was scaring me on why I felt this pull to go to him. "Here you are sir." As I sat the menu on the table in front of him.

Standing there with my notepad out, ready to take his order, he glanced up at me and smiled. "I'll just have a coffee for now." He stated softly. As I turned to walk away to retrieve his coffee, Anna walked over to me and grabbed my arm. "That man over there, keeps staring at you. What are you waiting for, go over there and find out that guy's name?" She giggled softly so nobody could hear. "Why? I can't find my mate for another 2 weeks yet." I retorted.

This town was quite small, and I knew if my mate was here, I would have run into him already, unless he wasn't of age yet. This guy was at least 23 years old; he could spot his mate by now, so I knew that this could not be my mate. Placing his coffee down on the table in front of him, I reached into my apron and pulled out a stack of napkins. I placed them on the table and turned to walk away when his hand came up to grab my arm. Startled, I jumped as I turned back around to face him. His hand was still holding my arm softly. "Yes, Can I help you sir?" I stated, as I looked down as his hand was still on my arm as my cheeks flushed red. He looked at me with a small grin, "I'm ready to order."

"Oh, Okay, what can I get you?"

"I will take 2 of your breakfast specials, with a large orange juice." He replied with a smirk, as he handed me the menu back. His hand gently grazed mine as he stared into my eyes.

"I will be right out with your order." I smiled back, as I turned to walk away. My heart was beating fast, and I knew my face was red from his soft touch. "So, what is his name?" Anna asked. "I don't know, he ordered 2 breakfast specials so he must be waiting on somebody." "That's no excuse Lillian."

As I waited for the cook to fill the order, I walked behind the counter and started wiping it down. I grabbed the coffee and proceeded to walk to each table except his to see if they wanted refills. "Order up" the bell rang; I walked to the counter and grabbed the man's order and carried it over to the table. I sat one of the plates in front of him and the other across from him, and went to turn to walk away when his arm came up and grabbed my hand. Turning around again to face him, I couldn't help myself. "Yes, do you need something else sir?" I questioned with my eyebrow raised.

I was memorized by his appearance. His glowing features just highlighted every muscle. His short brown hair was feathered back and it outlined his face so nicely. His strong jaw and muscular body just sent me spiraling. I wanted to leave, to get away from this strikingly handsome man that kept pulling me towards him. I just couldn't. I didn't understand the pull, I had towards him. Even my wolf, Lola, couldn't understand the pull we had towards him. It wasn't time for us to find out our mate yet. Standing there, memorized by his looks, he smiles softly as he rubs my hand. "I took the liberty of ordering you breakfast. Come and sit down with me." he smiled softly.

Not knowing what to say, I just blurted out the first thing that came to mind, "I am working sir. I just cannot stop and sit with you."

The man smiled at me as he waved down Anna. Anna has been my best friend since we were kids, and I knew she would do anything to get me to relax a bit. "Ma'am, my name is Alpha Devin. Would you mind taking over this young girls shift for a few so that she may sit and eat breakfast?" He asked Anna as he took out his wallet and proceeded to pay her for the extra time "Here is some extra cash for the inconvenience, if you would be willing to take over her shift for an hour."

"Most certainly, Alpha. No need for the payment though – Just glad to help." Anna stated as she glared in my direction with a huge grin plastered on her face. "Come, sit with me." Alpha Devin stated as he gestured towards the other bench. "What is your name, beautiful?" As he pushed the plate towards me. "Lillian" I mumbled as I sat down in the seat across from him.

It seemed like hours; I sat there not eating a single piece of food on the plate, listening to this gorgeous guy trying to get my attention. I could never picture myself with a man so handsome, let alone one with authority like an Alpha. It was just unclear on why he even took interest in somebody like me. I was a nobody. A lonely girl that didn't have much of a social life, for I was too busy supporting my family. I wasn't even of age, and yet this fine-looking, powerful man was talking to me. I was lost in thought; couldn't grasp why I was even in his presence, staring at me. "Earth to Lillian. I asked you a question. How old are you?" he smiled brightly. "Oh. Sorry, I'm 17 Alpha. I will be 18 in 2 weeks."

His eyes flickered from a light blue to a brown almost instantly. I knew his wolf was trying to press forward at that point but didn't understand why. His captivating features kept my mind busy; I kept trying to shake them out of my head. But it was no use. "Well, I got to go now." He stated, looking at his watch, "I'll return tomorrow for lunch, since apparently you don't eat breakfast" he grinned as he pointed to the full plate of food sitting in front of me. "Make sure you're not on shift, let's say around 1" as he stood from the booth, and walked to the counter to pay.

Waiting till he left the diner, I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. Turning to walk behind the counter, Anna shot me a huge smirk as she waited on the other tables.

The day went smooth after Alpha Devin left, getting only a few customers here and there. As I clocked out and waved Anna goodbye, I stepped out of the diner. Walking down Juliana Street towards home, my mind began to wonder. It wasn't till I heard somebody whistle that I snapped out of it. Looking around, I noticed I was not where I needed to be. I must have taken the alleyway, which I don't normally do, to hurry and get home. The alleyway was dark, and even in broad daylight, it was not a great place to walk down. Staying alert, I picked up my speed when I heard more men whistle. My heart started beating louder and I knew I made a huge mistake. Just as I picked up speed, I was stopped by 3 men standing in front of my path. I turned around and seen another 2 men blocking me in. "We are in trouble." Lola whimpers in my head. I couldn't fight like normal she-wolves, never had the time for training. "I know. What are we going to do?" I ask Lola. Just when I thought I seen a way out through a side door to Grand Hardware, I was jerked and thrown back against the brick wall. One of the men caged me in, pawing at my sides and waist. I knew I was done for.

"Let me go!" I screamed as the man moved closer, pawing at my top. His breath spelled of stale beer, as his head was next to my neck. He ran his tongue down my neck and pawed at my breasts. "Don't you scream!" He growled as he placed a hand over my mouth. Closing my eyes, I knew what was coming. I wasn't strong enough to fight them off and knew putting up a struggle would only entice them more. Standing as still as I could, I kept my eyes closed till I couldn't feel his touch anymore. Hearing the most relentless growl, I shivered. Out of nowhere, I felt his grip pull away with such force; I opened my eyes and saw Alpha Devin. Looking around, the man that was pawing me was on the ground with gashes so deep blood poured from them, coating the alleyway red. There was no sign of the others when I glanced up and down the alleyway. "Are you alright?" My heart hammered so hard I could barely hear his concerning question. Pulling my attention away from the body that lay sprawled on the ground, I heard it again. "Lillian, Are you alright?" Nodding in reply as I trembled, Alpha Devin pulled me towards him, embracing me against his chest. His scent was soothing; I couldn't move; just stood there, embraced in his arms. Tying to walk, I staggered as he guided me down the alleyway. He noticed my staggering and carried me back to the diner. "Oh my, what happened?" Anna came running as Alpha Devin sat me down in one of the booths. Shaken and confused, I just sat there, staring off into space. "She's in shock. I found her being attacked by men in the alleyway." Alpha Devin told Anna to relieve some of the worry that she was portraying. "I didn't know where she lived so I brought her here." "Thank you, Alpha. I will make sure she gets home okay after my shift." Anna stated. He looked at me with such concern and worry that I sat there looking back into those big blue eyes. "If you can give me her address, I will take her home myself." Alpha Devin stated, as his worry deepened as he glanced back and forth between Anna and I. "Of course, Alpha. Let me go get the address for you."

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