Chapter 14

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Alpha Devin let go of me but not before he whispered in my ear. "You are the Luna, the job you have is to help run the pack." "No, it's your job to run the pack Alpha, my job is to keep you in line to where you don't go overboard killing everyone. Not to mention anything else I want to do." I chuckle at him, as I walk out of the bedroom and to the kitchen.

I get to the bottom of the stairs and Alpha Devin darts out from the bedroom to catch me on the stairs. "Where are we going then?" He grinned. "I'm going to the kitchen, I am starving then I am going to help them clean up." I replied as I continued down the stairs turning towards the kitchen area. "You do know that they will not let you help, right?" I turn to look at him, with my eyebrow raised.

I walk into the kitchen and see Paula. "Hello Luna. What can I get you?" She asked as she wipes down the counter and tables. "I don't care, I am just starving so anything quick." I replied. "Follow me" Paula says with a smile. She guides me to some tables lined up against the wall, they had everything imaginable to eat and drink for breakfast on those tables. My eyes almost burst out of my head with the amount of food they had laid out. "We were about to call the warriors in for breakfast. So once you eat, I will call them in so you don't get overwhelmed."

"Thank you " I said as I grabbed a plate loading it up with scrambled eggs and bacon. I grabbed a couple pieces of toast and poured me a cup of coffee. Devin looked at me with a grin and grabbed his meal. We sat at one of the tables and ate breakfast. I felt much more relaxed here, than I did back home. When I finished, I grabbed my plate and walked to the back behind the counter to wash my plate when Paula stopped me. "Luna. We have staff here that does that. Please don't wash the dishes, we don't want to be held accountable if ... Alpha" Paula said almost jumping out of her skin when Devin walked in leaning against the wall. I look over at him, as I crossed my arms on my chest. He glanced at me with a grin and over to Paula. He stood there a minute with that grin on his face waiting for me to say something. As I turn around after I huffed in annoyance, he finally spoke up. "Our dear Luna doesn't know how not to work. She can help as long as she doesn't go overboard." He told Paula. "Yes, Alpha." She stated.

I washed Devin and my plate and glasses, not wanting to put more work on them then they already have, then turn to walk outside. Of course Devin followed, grabbing my waist and pulling me to him. "Now where do you think you are going?" He stated bluntly as he noticed that I was heading to the training grounds. "You said anyone in your pack can train." I uttered to him, not wanting permission but I needed this. I had picked up on so much training back home with him I was hoping to continue with it. "Okay, but not with them. You want to continue training, train with me or Shawn." He said as he pulled me even closer. "How about now?" I asked. "Not now, Shawn and I have some business to deal with but when one of us is done we can." He says as he pulls me back through the doors towards the living room.

"These are your personal guards. This one is Tye" Devin said as a man stood up from the sofa. He was not as tall as the other's but just as muscular as Shawn. He had a scar running down his face, across his left eye and black wavy hair down to his shoulders. "Nice to meet you Luna" Tye said holding out his hand. "This kid over here is Leon" Devin said pointing to the youngest warrior I ever seen. He must be only 19. "I heard that our Alpha finally found his Luna, but I didn't think she would be as pretty as you." Leon stated as a growl escaped Devin lips. Leon stood there smiling before bowing his head. For such a young warrior he was just as built as everyone else. "Mind your tongue Leon or you will be on patrol duty instead." Devin scoffed. "This over here is Raidon but many of us just call him Ray." Devin said as a tall guy with short blonde hair stands up. "Welcome to the pack, Luna Lillian." Ray said as he bowed his head. "Glad to meet you all." I said as I looked up at Devin. "I got to handle something, stay with any one of these men. If you want to go somewhere they follow." Devin says as he kissed my forehead and turned towards his office.

"So where too, Luna." Tye says as he starts to stand. "Actually if you don't mind I would like to sit down here and watch TV with you if that's okay." I ask as I turn to see what it is that they are watching.

"Certainly, my dear Luna " Leon scrambles to jump out of his seat, pushing Ray over. "What would you like?" Leon asked, as he flipped through the stations till some action movie came on. "This is fine." I said as I sat back on the huge sofa.

I sat there watching the movie for a couple hours till I just couldn't take it anymore. I had to get up and move. Walking outside, I walk over to the pool. Tye wasn't that far behind, as I stopped at the edge dipping my toe in. The water was surprisingly warm as I sat down in the lounge chair.

Tye kept his distance from me as I sat there watching the men train. I wondered if this was going to be my new life now, sitting around and doing nothing. I only seen Devin briefly since we got here, but understand that he has been away for awhile and needed to catch up on his work. Only that didn't stop the yearning to be with him.

A hand came down on my shoulder but I knew it was Devin, his smell relaxing me. I looked up at him as he pulled me to my feet. I held him close, inhaling his intoxicating scent. Beta Shawn came out from behind him, "Alpha told me that you wanted to train. Did you still want to?" Shawn said as Devin looked down at me with a grin. "Yea." I blurted out ecstatically. "I told you that I would let you." Devin stated as he pecked my cheek. "Lets go then, my dear Luna " Shawn exclaimed as he held out his hand. Looking over at the training grounds everybody was gone.


Shawn lunges at me, but with the training I had with Devin I knew that I was faster. I dodged his attack and kicked him in the chest as his chest was wide open. Shawn smiled as he gained his balance, looking at me shocked that I out maneuvered him. "Well, well, well. I see you have learned a lot with Alpha Devin. I'm just going to have to push up my game then. " He said as he chuckled.

We took our stances and much to my surprise Devin was watching with a grin, Shawn tried to grab me when I lost focus but I grabbed his arm using it as support as I threw myself onto his back. Shawn was built and I knew I wasn't strong enough to take him down but at least I gave it a shot. I wrapped my arm around his neck, using my other hand to pull as tight as I could to make him lose his air.

Holding tightly, Shawn grabbed at my arms and flung me over his shoulder making me land hard on my back at his feet. Shawn looked down at me with a grin, "Great move but you don't have the strength to hold on. So use it as an easy access to the neck. Instead of holding on to choke the person out, hold on to turn the neck to chomp into it." Shawn stated with a smile. Reaching out his hand, he pulled me to my feet.

We spent the rest of the day sparing to work up my strength. He showed me the different body parts to aim for, and to use the strongest part of my arms such as my elbow until I gain more strength.

After training I walked back to the bedroom with Alpha Devin, Tired and sore. "You keep this up I might just have to make you my Beta and Luna." Devin chuckled as he pulled me in the bathroom.

I was so proud of myself, I was learning so fast and soon I will be able to handle myself. Devin grabbed the hem of my shirt as he tugged it over my head, unstrapping my bra with one hand his other on my hip trailing towards my ass. He squeezes as I yelp, I smack his chest as he chuckles. "Got to smack hard than that, to get me to stop" he muttered as his face was buried in my neck, pinching my ass again. Another yelp came from my lips as pushed him away.

Hoping in the shower I let the warm water soothe the aching muscles. Devin took some shampoo massaging it on my scalp, I almost fell asleep till he turned me to wash it out. He washed up quickly as I lean against the shower wall. He grabbed the scrunchies and lathers the soap in it. He runs the scrunchie over my shoulders and down my arms, turning me around he washes down my breasts to my stomach. His hard length pressed against my back as he bent over my shoulder slightly rubbing the scrunchie between my legs. After rinsing the soap off, I got out, wrapping the towel around me.

I walked into the walk-in closet and searched for some pj's, there was not one single outfit, so I grabbed a shirt of Devin's to slip on. Devin already had the bed ready, as he sat there watching me fumble for some clothes. "Don't know why you need pj's for, I much prefer you naked." He says as I climb in the bed.    

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