Chapter 6

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Lillian's P.O.V.

The sun was beating through the red curtains that hung closed on the window. Feeling like a cocoon, I unwrapped the blankets from my body. Not knowing how I got home, I realized that I must have came to bed myself for I still had my dress on. Stripping the tight fabric away from my body, I stepped into the shower desperately wanting to wake up. After washing my hair and scrubbing my body, I wrapped the towel around me and brushed my teeth. Going back to my bedroom I rummaged through my closet to find something to wear. Grabbing a red spaghetti string half top and a pair of low cut shorts, I hurried to put them on and rushed down the stairs. Mom was standing in the kitchen preparing breakfast, as she looked over to see if I wanted anything. "Honey, can you grab some eggs when you get off work." she asked. "Sure mom." I replied, rushing to get to the diner to talk with Anna.

The walk to work was strange. I felt like somebody was watching me. I picked up my pace and darted through the diner doors in a bit of a rush. Exhaling the breathe that I never knew I had, Anna came skipping over to embrace me in her arms. "So, how did it go?" she asked, sounding too cheerful for this damn early in the morning. "Fine, I guess." I huffed. I didn't want to tell her that I might be liking Alpha Devin's company. The diner was completely empty. Looking around there was not one single person. "Slow morning?" I stated. "You know how it is, we don't get much business till lunch hour." Anna retorted with a grin.

The day was totally slow, even the lunch hour was remarkable slow. After my shift, I left the diner walking up the street to Gracy's Super Mart. I couldn't forget to get eggs for mom, or she would throw a fit. Walking there I still couldn't shake the feeling like I was being watched. What the hell is going on with me. I shoved it to the side thinking that it was just the memory of what happened 2 nights ago. Walking in the Supermarket I was greeted by a friendly face. My good friend Brandon worked there as a cashier. He was one of those cocky men that thought all women should be swarming for his attention. Growing up along side him, he has even tried hitting on me a few times but I never in a million years thought of him like that. He was more along the lines of an annoying big brother, well he might as well have been for he was my brother Paul's best friend. "What are you doing in here girl?" Brandon questioned with his eyebrow raised. "Mom needed some eggs." I replied waving him off like the annoying man he was.

Walking to the dairy department, grabbing the 4 dozen eggs and to the checkout I stopped to grab an Iced coffee too. Placing the groceries on the counter Brandon bagged them up without even swiping a single item on the register. "You work too hard. I'll let Paul know he can pay for this bill." Brandon smiled as he handed me the bag. "Tell your mom, I said hi will yea." The minute I stepped through those doors that strange feeling came over me again. Not wanting to take the chance, even though I knew it was just my nerves, I walked back in the store. "Whatcha forget." Brandon laughed. "Nothing, Hey what time do you get off work?" I asked thinking it would be safer to walk home with him then by myself. "I'm just about finished, got about 10 minutes left, why?" he questioned, sounding a bit concerned. I didn't want to tell him everything but just brought up the strange feeling that I was having. "Sure Hun, give me a few and I will drive you home."

After Brandon's shift, he clocked out and grabbed my groceries as he walked me to his pickup truck. Throwing the bag in the back, he got in the drivers seat waiting for me to buckle up. Pulling into the driveway, mom came out a little surprised to see me with Brandon and not Paul. "Oh, well, sorry I thought your brother was finally coming over to visit." she retorted. Handing her the grocery bag, she asked why I was even with Brandon to begin with. I just shrugged off her comment and headed straight for my room. I didn't want to worry her about that uncontrollable feeling I was having, but I just couldn't shake it. 'Let's see how tomorrow is. If we get that feeling again - you need to speak up.' Lola advised me. All I wanted to do is sleep. It felt like I just never got enough lately. Not even changing clothes, I fell on the bed face first into my pillow.

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