Chapter 57

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Lillian's POV

I was so nervous confronting Devin. I thought for sure he would drag me back to the pack house. Watching him leave, I searched the bond, trying to see if he was truly alright with me staying here, or if I should expect his wrath when I got home. The only thing I felt was guilt. I never thought he would ever feel guilty about anything.

I finished up my day at the school, ready to leave to go home. I was so tired. Stepping out of the doors of the building, a ripple of pain shot up my shoulder. What the hell? My vision started to blur and I stumbled backwards, trying to rid the burning sensation in my arm. Looking around quickly, I never seen any of the guards. Trying to mind link Devin or Paul, I stumble back into the building, rushing to one of the offices where I can get help. Nothing. I was falling into the darkness.

Slowly opening my eyes, I seen nothing familiar. Sniffing the air slightly, I picked up no scents. All I could smell was the lingering of bleach. Trying to sit up, I couldn't. I was tied down on a gurney, my arms and legs strapped tight. What the fuck was going on? Where was I? I started to panic before realizing the burning in my shoulder was gone. I searched the mind link, pulling on Paul's tether. "Paul, Paul. Can you hear me?" I tried so hard to get through. He was the only tether I could reach. "Sis. Where are you? I can feel that your close."

"I don't know. I'm in some bright room that reminds me of a hospital. I'm strapped down, I can't move."

" Hold on sis. I'm coming! Help is on its way."

"Were is Devin? I can't get ahold of anyone but you. I'm scared Paul."

"Hold on, someone is coming."

"Keep the link open so I can hear what is going on around you. Remember who your family is! Your strong, you can handle this." Paul tried to reassure me.

I focused on the link, pushing it wider to let Paul hear what is going on around me. Tilting my head to the side, I see a man walk in. He shrugs his suit off, draping it over the bench that was off to the side.

"Well hello there Luna. Nice to see you finally awake." He chuckles as he strolls over toward me. I thrash on the gurney as he reaches down to touch me. "Get away from me!" I snarl baring my canines.

"Now, Now. Settle down. You don't want to hurt your pup do you?" I paused. What did he just say? I couldn't be. No I lost the baby awhile ago. This guy was out of his mind, he has no clue about what is going on. Who the hell is he anyway? He grabs my wrists just as another man comes walking in.

"We need to get her moved to the next location. Her brother is close and we can't afford him to ruin our plans just yet by bringing her pain in the ass mate here." He stated as the other man stabbed me with a needle. I fought the urge to close my eyes, the darkness creeping up fast. Feeling hands reach under me, I was lifted before darkness took me completely.

Jason POV

"We need to get her moved to the next location. Her brother is close and we can't afford him to ruin our plans just yet by bringing her pain in the ass mate here." I stated to Jacob. I knew her brother was close, my men were watching her pack closely, everyone was scattered searching for her but this pain in the ass was on the right track. I half expected her mate to pick up on her location but with how I kept her knocked out, his pull to her was weak. I couldn't understand how her brother knew which way to go but he sure was going in the right direction.

Jacob injected her to knock her back out so we could move again. Having him carry her, I had to think of how to get out of here without her brother following. "Let's take the cave to the other side of the mountain then down through the tunnels to the second location." I ordered. Jacob nodded in agreement rushing out ahead of me towards the cave. I ordered my men to try to intercept Shawn. Following Jacob through the forest we headed towards the cave to get around the mountain, masking our scent along the way so we couldn't be tracked.

Reaching the tunnels Jacob stops, looking quite puzzled. "What? Why did you stop?" I questioned as I caught up to him. He looked at me, then back down to Luna in his arms. He went to open his mouth but closed it quickly not knowing what to say. I looked in his arms to see Luna Lillian skin, glowing like a beacon for the world to see. "What the hell?" I muttered out to nobody in particular. What the fuck was this? She was just a normal werewolf. She was not a hybrid of a witch but from her body glowing it sure did look like she was something else. Jacob started to drop her, his arms burning from the heat that radiated from her.

"What the fuck is she?" Jacob asked concerned. He tried to lift her again, but he couldn't get ahold of her. Everywhere he tried to touch, his skin sizzled. I reached down to grab her, my arms burning from the intense heat that glowed from her skin. "We got to get her to the tunnels!

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