Chapter 22

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"He has recently gone through a lot of things. Don't bother him. He came here to clear his mind, not to make his best friend jealous of him." - Gemini

"Excuse me, I'm not like you to get jealous and possessive over such little things. Fourth is my forever bestie or soulmate and Mark is my love of life or my alpha. I trust both of them. But as for the part of Fourth going through a lot these days, I agree with it. So baby /saying by looking at Mark/ back off..." - Ford

"Then... /smirk/ I'm left with an only option... That is... /Looking at Gemini/" - Mark

"No... no..." - Gemini

    Mark further leaned towards Gemini. Gemini seemed to panic as the distance between them became less. Mark then grabbed Gemini's face in his hands. Gemini tried to avoid but Mark finally kissed his cheek. The atmosphere seemed as if Ford and I were looking at comedians performing right before us. At first there was utter silence but then we laughed out loud getting both of their attention.
    After this, we didn't end our game and
it was Mark who finally gulped the 5 glasses of craft beer in one go making him the loser. I had 2 glasses but the tipsiness was evident. Ford was drunk as well. Gemini was the only one who was drunk but didn't seem like one. He might be used to it, I mean his dad has to throw parties for every client. We were thinking about the punishment for Mark but then he passed out. Ford tried to wake him but had no luck.

"Ford, I'll take Mark to the car, so help me with Fourth. /Putting Mark's arm around his neck/ Come on, let's get us home." - Gemini

"/Putting Fourth's arm around his neck/ Mung... Did Gemini spoil you with food or what?? How come you gained so much weight?? /Fourth putting his hand on the mouth to avoid puking/ Heyi.. mung, wait.. wait.. don't puke on me, okay??" - Ford

     I smiled sheepishly in a drunk state. He sighed for his dear life and dragged me out of the pub.

"Let me drive you guys to home." - Gemini

"Heyi, don't worry I will take Mark with me to a taxi. You go on with Fourth. He is pretty drunk." - Ford

"Au na mung... Ai'Mark is wasted, while you are an omega. If you take a taxi, I can't guarantee your safety... So, listen to me and hop in." - Gemini

"Okay... Thank you" - Ford

   I heard Ford taking Mark to his condo. We then reached the mansion and Gemini took me to my room as he picked me up in the bridal style. I wrapped my hands around his neck and had blurred visions of Gemini carrying me to the room.

"/Putting Fourth on the bed gently, tucking him with his blanket/ How come you are drunk with just 2 glasses of craft beer??/laughs/" - Gemini

    As I closed my eyes, I was haunted by the nightmare of my dad dying a terrible death. I started to shake and grabbed the bolster beside me. I hugged the bolster for my life. Once I felt okay with the presence of a bolster, I slept a deep sleep.


   The sweet but sharp sunlight brightened my room from the window and made my eyes open up. But the strong headache was also one of the reasons. I opened my eyes wide and noticed that my bolster was wearing a SHIRT!!?? I then noticed a pair of hands wrapped around my waist. This got me panicking and I looked above me to check if I was hugging someone to sleep or did, I just get paranoid with bolster having hands. As I lifted my head to look, I saw the sight of Gemini sleeping peacefully. His chin was on top of my head. I smiled as I looked at him sleeping like a protective alpha with a calm face. Not after some seconds, I sensed him squirming in his sleep. This made me fake my sleep as I hugged him back. He seemed to have a headache as I did. Then I felt Gemini taking his hands back slowly and cursing himself. I then opened my eyes slowly. 

"/looking at Gemini/ Good morning...

"Good... good morning. Did you get enough sleep?? You were pretty drunk yesterday. I was just helping you to put into the bed, but then you started to cry. I was just checking on you and was about to leave. I didn't intend to hug you to a night of sleep. I'm sorry." - Gemini

"/still hugging Gemini/ It's okay, I remember. It's just, I thought that I was hugging my bolster.

      Gemini smiled at me. I don't know what got into him suddenly that he got up and excused himself to go back to his bedroom. I was confused as to why he left in such a hurry. Then I got up and continued my routine. 

   It's been a week; I am feeling nauseous and dizzy. Ford insisted to get an appointment with a doctor, but I refused. This might be happening because of the stress that I faced recently. I was not able to get enough rest. It's been exhausting. Gemini was sent for a business trip again. This time he was sent alone, his dad didn't go with him. Gemini's dad told his chauffeur to send me to school as Gemini was not there to take me to school. I went on as he said, after school while getting back I was looking out of the window and saw that he was not taking me back to the mansion. I tried to ask the chauffeur but, he kept quiet throughout the ride. The car stopped in front of an old building. As the car door opened, I was dragged toward a man. I was not able to look at who it was, as I was facing his back. Once he turned to look at me, I got it that it was Gemini's dad. 

"Master, what is happening?? What is the reason that I was dragged over here rather than the mansion?? Why did you bring me here??

"You ask too many questions at a time kid. For your answers, I've recently seen you being way too close to my son. The fact that you are gay scares me, that you will attract my son. The client for whom we held that grand party in our mansion seems interested in you. He has loads of money, I bet he'll take good care of you. My son won't be having time for you. So, I was thinking to send you to America with him. What do you say??" - Gemini's dad 

"What a cheap thought... Never thought you would be such a cheapskate. How come you are Gemini's dad??

"Don't you hate my son that he raped you that same night?? You expect him to be different than me?? Of course, he won't be. He is my son after all. He is just taking up the responsibility." - Gemini's dad

"Never compare yourself to your son. He is not a scumbag like you to sell me to one of his clients. If you didn't add that arousing drug to his drink, then that night would never happen.

"Is that a bet then?? /Fourth scoffs/ Okay, /anger/ enough... I don't want to listen to his nonsense. Tie his hands and mouth. The client will be here in any minute to take him." - Gemini's dad

    I was dragged by his men. They tied my hands and mouth. I tried to resist, but no use. Then I was dragged to a room and made to sit. 
That's it for this chapter guys... I'm so sorry for publishing this chapter so late. Please forgive me. You guys have my sincere apologies. Hope you liked this chapter and are ready to forgive me. You guys will get sweet moments in next chapters. So... See you on next monday!!

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