Chapter 1

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(A/n : The story is all according to Fourth's POV, if there will be any scenes of Gemini's POV then, I'll mention it)
In School :

  I am an ungrateful child of fate. Not only do I have to bear a burden of my alcoholic dad, but I myself have to be a burden on my aunt. She is the only one who understands my every little issue and helps me from paying my school fees to almost everything. At least I thank my fate that I got such an aunt who takes care of me more than my mother did. I hope no one gets this kind of life to lead, waiting just to get a single ray of help.
  The place that I hate the most in this world is my school. Not just because I don't have friends, but it's because I get to meet my bully everyday. And not a single day has passed without him bullying me. My aunt notices a bruise everyday and her blood boils every time she looks at it. She even tried to complain about the bully to our principal, but he shut her down because his dad is the major shareholder of our school.
There he comes..

"/grabs the collar/ Who the fuck told you to report about me to principal??" - the bully asked me with deadly stare and his face being red from anger.

"Why? Why was I not supposed to do that? Why am I your only target? What did I ever do to you? WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE ME EVERYDAY??" - I asked him by shouting the last question loudly on his face

"BECAUSE YOU DESERVE IT, YOU TRASH!!" - he answered me in rage, by punching my face
He further punched into my stomach several times till I fell on the ground with my hands on it. He then kicked my stomach harshly for one last time and went away.

I went to my class with a bruised face and dirt on my shirt. My friend, Ford was worried to death and was horrified to look at my face. He is the only reason why I was able to stay in this school. My only friend in this school who hates Gemini to death and loves me from birth, yeah.. we are childhood friends. I still do wonder every time, how he even endured me till these many years? He has tried to fight every bully who thought to hurt me. Even he did fight sometimes with Gemini to protect me. And if he was in trouble then, his boyfriend would stop Gemini from doing anything to Ford. I love their relationship.  I wonder, if I get to have a boyfriend like Mark.

"/worried/ What the heck even happened with your face??!! You okay Fourth?? /anger/ Did that bastard do this to you, again??" - Ford asked me

"Nothing.. You know this is the story of my daily life in school"

"What do you mean nothing Fourth?? He almost ruined your face, might have also broken your jaws. /cupping Fourth's cheeks and looking at the bruise/" - Ford

Mark is so lucky to have him as a boyfriend and how am I so lucky to have him as my friend..     

Lunch Break :

I usually have my lunch with Ford and Mark, because they are the only friends I have. But today, Mark's mom called Ford for lunch in their home, so I am left alone. Don't get me wrong, Mark's mom adores Ford and me a lot, and she didn't forget to invite me for lunch too. It was just I thought, I would be ruining a family time. So here I am sitting alone on the rooftop and having my lunch peaceful...
No... Not again

"What do you think you are doing over here?? This is my territory, no one is allowed. How dare you step your foot on this rooftop?? Trying to get on my nerves??" - No... Not the bully again 

"I won't dare to do that." - I replied about to leave the place

"Wait, I didn't tell you to leave yet, did I??" - Gemini

"What is the use of me, sitting here anyways??" 

"Where is that bratty friend of yours??" - Gemini 

"Why do you care?"

"It's not like I care, I was just making sure if you were alone or not, so that it won't be annoying if I would be bullying you." - Gemini 

"So, you don't feel like punching my face right now??" - I asked with confusion written all over my face. 

"Well, it depends on my mood though. And for today I think it's enough. I'm satisfied" - Gemini 

"If you are not in the mood to bully me then, is it okay if I ask you a question??

"Shoot it..." - Gemini

"Why do you like to bully me? It's not like I robbed your home or anything." - I asked with fear

"/leaning his back onto the ground, facing the clear sky/ Why do I think that you are missing the kisses of my fist.. Would you like some? I won't mind at all, in fact it'll be my pleasure." - Gemini

"/scoff/ Why even let me ask the question, when you had no intention of answering it?

"/sighs/ I don't know.. I'm not a nerd like you. You are the nerdy one, what would you do if you were me??" - I was taken aback by the question that the bully asked me. I don't know how to answer it.

"/mumbles/ It's not a science question though. What's so hard in it?? /clears throat/ Uhm... I would stop bullying, I think. Cuz, I'm not a type to bully other when I know, what I have to go through just to get admission in this school. I don't have a father who takes care of my admission and other stuffs. Instead, I have to work to feed him.

  Why is he so silent suddenly?? It's awkward as I've never said these things in front of anyone. Wait, is he walking away?? What a man, why ask in the first place, if he was bored to hear my story. Cold, Icy monster!! 


That's it for 1st chapter. Hope you enjoyed while reading it. Sorry if the chapter seems small. I'll try to extend it. If there are any mistakes that need to be corrected, then I'm all ears. Thank you for reading though.. Please wait patiently for the next chapters, I'll publish the next chapters on time. Thank you for the reads, votes and comments. I love to read them. The comments give me so much encouragement to write more.. ☺️☺️

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