Chapter 14

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   I was not feeling heartbroken after what happened yesterday. I was more relieved that I got to know such a phi like P'Mix who has a great family, but I was again reminded of my heartbreak as this stupid Ford suddenly jumped in front of me from nowhere and started asking me a lot of questions. 

"How did it go mung?? Did your crush say yes?? Are you finally having a boyfriend?" - Ford 

"Ai hiya Ford, will you let me get some breath?? Which question am I supposed to answer??

"Okay, okay. Sorry vai, I was excited to hear that you finally got a boyfriend." - Ford 

"He didn't say yes.

"Why?? What was wrong?? You changed yourself for P'Mix na vai. You look fabulous this way. What else was needed??" - Ford

"He didn't need anything. He is already happy... /Ford pats Fourth's shoulder/ with his husband and 4 kids who are elder than us.

    /Ford who was controlling his laughter laughs very loudly/ How dare this little shit laugh at my story. I'm gonna kill him today. I'm sorry Ai'Mark. 

"/laughing and apologizing at the same time/ Sorry... haha... Sorry, va... Ppffttt.... hahaha... /chases behind Ford, Ford runs away from him laughing even louder/" - Ford 

      Huff... Huff... That bastard got away from my hands, or I would make sure to feed his meat to zoo animals. Finally, after going for a round of school, I found him hiding in the class. I grabbed his collar and pulled him towards our seat. We talked out everything. About P'Joong and P'Jimmy planning about the beach. He got excited and asked if he could go with us. I told him that I would ask the phis first. We were talking further but were interrupted by another guy.

"Hey, I have something to talk to you about." - Gemini 

"What is it?

"Today we'll be going to the mall to choose a suit for you. We'll be going there after school. I don't want to get excuses like I already have some plans. If you have any plans, let me know right now." - Gemini 

"No, I don't have any plans. We'll go to the mall as decided.

     Now a curious Ford started to ask me what we were talking about. I explained everything. 


    Gemini took me to the mall which had the best and most pricey suits. The workers bowed to us, and I returned the bow to them for which I earned a scoff from Gemini. 

"You don't have to be so polite with them. They get paid for bowing to you." - Gemini 

"No matter if they get paid for bowing or doing any other work. I strongly believe that I have to show the same respect that others give me. /looks at Gemini/ Don't you think so??

  What the?? Why does he walk so fast?? He has long legs, but it doesn't mean other have long legs like him... Wait... Ai satt...
  He ordered some of the best suits. As one of the female workers came to us with some suits, she bowed to him. He showed a polite smile which shocked me as well as the worker. The woman went out and screamed her lungs out in front of her colleagues that he is so handsome. I gave him a weird look and stood still with my chin up as he was looking at every suit as he held the suit towards my body. He looked at many of them and was not satisfied. He ordered some more. After passing like an Ice age, he found one which looked good on me. I didn't know how I was looking as I had my chin up. He seemed satisfied with it. 

"It looks great kha" - Female worker 

"Right?? /handing the suit to a female worker/ I'll be getting this one. Could you please pack it for us??" - Gemini 

      Ohhoo... Such a sweet gentleman. Satt... Didn't know that he would flirt with every woman. And shouts at me that I always flirt with other men. 

{A/n: Fourth dear just say that you are jealous. 

/Fourth blushing hard/ No, I'm not jealous

A/n: /smirk/ Ohh really?? Your cheeks say otherwise. 

/Fourth chasing me to grab my neck/ Hey how come both of you have a target on my neck??}

    We went to pay for the suit. As Gemini paid, the male worker bowed to him saying thank you and visiting again. I was utterly shocked when he gave a polite smile to him too. We went out and I suddenly felt hungry. 

"Khun noo krap...

"/turns towards Fourth/ What is it??" - Gemini

"I'm hungry... /rubbing his belly/ Can we stop at some restaurant to grab something to eat??

"Here??" - Gemini

"Yeah... What do you mean 'here?'?? /imitating Gemini/

"We can have dinner in the mansion. I don't like greasy food. They make me want to puke." - Gemini 

"/mumbles/ But I'm hungry. I can't wait till I reach the mansion. This mall is in the middle of the city and the mansion is very far. /pouts and sighs/

"What do you want to eat??" - Gemini 

"/sparkly eyes, wide smile, looking at Gemini/ Am I allowed eating anything I want? /Gemini nods, not interested to hear his whine/ Then, I want to eat mu kratha or even shabu is okay. I ate them twice a month when Pa used to take me. Don't worry Khun noo, till then you can have som..

"No, I don't want anything." - Gemini 

"Oh come on Khun noo, you'll love it. I can guarantee.

     I went to a shop that had Lays. I grabbed the yellow-colored packet which is classic salted flavored chips. I went back and gave him the chips packet. He was not ready to eat them yet. But slowly opened the packet and had a bite. God... His eyes are sparkling. Did he love it so much?? 

"It's very good. I loved it. How come I never tasted such thing before??" - Gemini 

"You have to step outside your mansion first to eat something like this you know.

"Seems you are not hungry. Let's get bac.." - Gemini

"No... Khun noo, I was just joking.

   I ended up having a hearty meal of shabu all by myself. I insisted on Gemini to taste it but he refused it again and again. While waiting for the food to get prepared, I asked Gemini a question

"Khun noo krap, what was with that polite smile to everyone??"

"/avoiding the topic/ Hey, these lays are very good, I want to buy them again." - Gemini

"Why do you change the topic every time??"

"/sighs/ Will you believe me if I said that I was showing the same respect to them as you said so??" - Gemini

"No, not in a million years."

"/Mumbles/ This is why I was not talking about that part." - Gemini

Sorry... Sorry for the late update guys... That's it for the 14th chapter. The next chapter is going to be cute. See you next Monday.. 
I was thinking to publish the next chapter once the votes reach 1k. What do you guys think?? Finally I love you all... 😘😘❤️❤️ Have a nice week.

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