Chapter 4

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Guys... Here it is... The 4th chapter as promised for getting 100 votes. Thank you for 100+ votes... Lots of love from me.😘😘❤️❤️🥰🥰🫶🫶 Enjoy your reading time. Okay back to the story..

The same thing happened again, just like yesterday. He came to the bar again and waited till I finished my work shift. Finally, when I was about to return, he made my glasses as his target and crushed them. Sometimes I feel like I should just leave this city, but then it hits me hard that I don't even have the money to move out from here and look for a place to live peacefully. After the two days leave, today I'm finally going to the hell. 

In School : 

"Hey specs, thought you would not come today? So much guts that you are coming to school, huh??" the bully in my case and the heart throb Alpha in case of school, asked me.

I didn't answer back cuz, I know I'll be punched on the face if I answer him or even if I don't. I would not waste my energy just to get punched.

"/in pain/Uhh.."

"You might be having fun, getting these punches from me right?" he asked me with a smirk on his face, as he kicked me

Shit, where are my glasses?? /spreading his hands on the floor to find the glasses/

"Oh, are you finding your specs?"

No... Please no...


"Oops... sorry, my foot stepped on your specs by mistake" he laughed with his friends by saying this.

/voice of his mind/ No crying Fourth... It's alright. We'll buy a new pair. Yeah, I know this is the third pair, we gotta work our ass off to get new glasses as well as the money for dad to pay off the debt.

I took the broken glasses and wore them again. Thank God that just the glass on the left side was shattered, it means I can get it repaired.

The bully and his friends left. Glad that I didn't get much injured today.  But what am I supposed to say if I meet Ford?? 

"Why the hell were you absent for two days?? Is there a reason that I don't need to know about it??" - Ford 

Speaking of the devil... Here he is, 

"Nothing to worry about na mung. I was just not feeling well, just fever.

"You think I'm gonna believe you?? I know how you are Ai'Fourth. You would've at least called me and ask me for notes, also inform me that you are not feeling well. What is with this sudden change?? I know, something is bothering you. Trust me, you'll feel better once you share what it is." - Ford

"Okay, I'll tell you everthing that happened in these two days, but first, you've gotta promise me that you will do as I say once I finish talking about it.

  He nodded and we headed to our class. During the lunch break Ford forced me to speak up the truth and I did. I felt bad that he cared so much for me, and I disappointed him. 

"I'm warning you, Ai'Fourth, if you keep things like this again to yourself then I'm not gonna be your friend anymore." - Ford

"Au na mung. I didn't do it on purpose you know. I felt like I would make you worried over my problems. Now that you've promised me, you are not allowed to help me in any way. Got it??

"Heyyi... Mung... That's not fair. It's cheating. Why am I not allowed to help you, we are not friends just to share our happiness." - Ford

"You are a great friend enough to fight the bully for me. But, as for this matter, I can't involve anyone other than myself. You and Pa are very important person in my life. I won't forgive myself if they hurt you guys, which is why I've not mentioned a single word about this in front of pa.

"She must be so worried about you right now. So... what do you think?? Will you go to work at her cafe today??" - Ford

"I think, I will. I must explain her about the situation and also apologize for not telling anything.

In cafe :

  I entered the cafe slowly. Pa seems worried and angry at same time. Now she is calling someone...


Shit!! She's calling me... She crossed her arms and turned to look at me with fire in her eyes.

"Where the heck do you think you were for 'WHOLE TWO DAYS'?? - She asked me by shouting the last part

"Calm down, pa... I've not been anywhere. I was just in home taking rest. I was having fever."

"You think I'm gonna fall for that dumb excuse of yours?? I went to your home, but you were not there." - Mook

"No. I was in my house, I slept tightly for both days. Even I didn't let dad to enter my room. How would I let you??" 

"Then what about your phone?? Why did you switch it off??" - Mook

"I told you pa... I was sleeping tightly. I switched off my phone so that no one can disturb my sleep. I needed it, after working so hard for a while."

"/Sigh/ Okay, I believe you now. But don't you ever do that again, Got it??" - Mook


  I'm glad that she believed me. I didn't want her to worry in vain. I did earn some money from the jobs, but it won't cover 15 million baht. I'll have to ask him for chances or accept the punishment.

I was taking the orders of the customers, then someone familiar to my heart entered the cafe.

"Hello, welcome to our cafe!! na krap"

"Nong Fourth, what are you doing here??" - Mix

"/Shining eyes, as bright as the sun/ P'Mix... I work here as a part timer. How come you are here phi??"

"I was looking for a shop for rent. I've thought to open a flower shop with the savings I have. Do you know any place over here?? I've been walking all the time and didn't get a single shop for rent. Even if I get one either it's not up to my expectations or it's expensive." - Mix

"Please, place your order first.

"Uhm... Can I get a boba tea (bubble tea) please?" - Mix

"Okay krap, please take your seat, I'll bring your order to your table.

  P'Mix opened his wallet and took out the money of usual boba tea.

"Here you go, the money of my order." - Mix 

"Take it back phi. You don't need to pay, this tea is on me. I actually wanted to thank you properly for saving me in the pub.

"No... You don't have to, you know. I actually have a favor to ask." - Mix

"What is it phi, I'll be more than happy to help.

"Order for yourself too, I want you to help me, to find a shop in this area. You might be familiar with this area? Right??" - Mix

"Okay krap, but can I ask for the permission first?

"/smiles softly/ Sure, go ahead." - Mix 

  Huhh... Such a sweet smile... I'm gonna melt at this rate. He's such an angel type. I'm gonna cry if I don't get him as my boyfriend. 

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