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"Hunny, where's Nolan's skates?" Trevor called out, sat on the floor of their hallway, a pile of shoes surrounding him as he dug through the closet.

Hunter exited their bedroom, hands on her six month belly as she watched her husband. He'd been trying to grow his facial hair, even as he was about to turn thirty it didn't come in nearly as thick as he wanted. His hair was cut shorter, still as soft and curly as ever. He'd put on more muscle too, adding more tattoo's to his now full sleeve.

Their five year old, Nolan, was sat beside him, giggling at his fathers growing frustration. Hunter rolled her eyes at the man, walking down to their spare bedroom. She grabbed the small duffle bag, filled with their sons hockey gear because he wanted to be just like daddy.

She walked back out, holding up the bag with a smile, "same place you left it." Trevor jumped up from the floor, taking the bag from her hands. "You're welcome." Hunter said sarcastically and her turned back from his rush to the door.

"Thank you, I love you. See you after practice." He ushered out, pressing a quick kiss to her lips before rushing their son out the door.

As the front door closed, a cry came from down the hall and she sighed. She found herself in the purple and grey painted room, smiling at down to the small bed.

"Did daddy wake you?" She cooed, the two year old staring up at her with teary eyes.

"Daddy go?" Hunter nodded down to her daughter, sitting at the edge of the bed. "Mommy stay." The toddler poked her mothers round belly, rubbing her eyes with the other hand.

"Mhm, what does my Maddie want to do? Daddy and Noey went to hockey so we can do anything your little heart desires." She brushed the dirty blonde curls back, hair hair wild from her short-lived nap.

"Swim?" Maddie asked, curling up onto Hunters lap, still half asleep.

"It's too cold to swim. How about we go out and get lunch? Maybe we can go have a playdate with Harper later. How's that sound."

Maddie nodded and Hunter sat up, lifting her and setting her to stand on the floor. She went to the dresser, holding out clothing options until the toddler chose an outfit she liked. She packed a go-bag, the toddler following her as she went to get their shoes and her purse.

"Koda tome?" Maddie had the leash in her hands, the golden retriever at her side, tail wagging as they both looked to the woman with begging eyes.

"Yeah, Koda can come."

After their lunch date, Hunter, Maddie and Koda had all fallen asleep on the couch. The woman hadn't intended to fall asleep, but once Maddie made herself comfortable in her mothers side, she'd realized how exhausted she was. She woke up an hour later to Koda barking at the door as Trevor and Nolan came hurtling inside.

"We've got an All Star on the—oops." Trevor's loud voice went quiet, "mommy and sissy are sleeping, go put your stuff away quietly." He told the boy and Nolan raced down the hall to put away his bag.

"Koda woke me, you're fine." Hunter mumbled, feeling Maddie stir at her side. "Baby, Daddy's home." The toddler was quick to wake up, having been a daddy's girl big time.

"Daddy!" Maddie slid down from the couch, running into Trevor's arms as he lifted her from the ground.

"Hey, gorgeous, did you have a good day or did you and mom sleep all day?" He teased, peppering kisses to her cheeks.

"We went out for lunch and ended up napping." Hunter told him, sitting up as he made his way over to her. "How was practice?" She asked, rubbing her stomach as the baby seemed to wake with them.

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