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"Have you two moved?" Hunter hadnt expected to come home from her lecture to see Jamie and Jordan in the same spot she left them. She thought at least her brother would try to get Jamie to go out, but instead they were sat on the couch playing NHL 23'.

"Had to get up for doordash." Jordan answered, leaned forward towards the tv with the controller gripped in his hands.

"Mya's gonna yell at you when she gets home." Hunter yawned, she was too exhausted to actually force them up. She decided to join them, making herself comfortable on the beanbag.

"She's stuck at work, she's slammed with the upcoming show so she's not coming home tonight." Jamie spoke quickly, his main focus on the game.

"Guys night." Hunter muttered, waving her hands as if she was holding pom-poms. "Are you hungry?" She asked, though she wasn't in the mood to cook.

"We ate."

Hunter nodded, slightly annoyed by their focus, "okay.." she sighed, taking out her phone to text her boyfriend. If she was going to be stuck with them, may as well invite Trevor over as well. At least then someone would pay attention to her.

Inviting Trevor over hadnt gone as planned, he'd squeezed himself between the two and got his own controller. She was starting to wonder if she'd turned invisible, a headache growing from their shouts. These are supposed to be grown men, but they were all playing video games for hours in end.

"I need friends." Hunter muttered, rolling her eyes as she walked into the kitchen, taking out a protein bar (which had seemed to take over the rest of her snacks). She decided to leave them to their game, closing herself into her room and pulling up Netflix.

Fortunately, her boredom didn't last long as a call appeared, a picture of Cole in her bikini top taking over her screen. She clicked answer, sat up against her head bored with a small smile.

"Why so grumpy?" Cole asked, he was in his kitchen, looking to be cooking.

"Well currently, Mya is stuck at work and I'm stuck with my boyfriend, brother and boyfriends boyfriend." Hunter answered, tearing open the package of her protein bar.

"And that's so bad, why?"

"Because they've been playing that stupid NHL game for hours." She grumbled, taking a bite with irritation.

"Hey! You be nice to the game, it's never done anything to you." She could only see his left at, watching it stir around whatever he'd been cooking.

"Yeah it has, it's stolen the idiots."

"Ah, so you're mad no one's paying attention to you?" Cole teased, her eyes rolling back.

"Yeah, I am, actually."

"I'd suggest walking around naked but Jordans there so.."

"Gross. That'd get Z and Jimmys attention for sure."

"Play music obnoxiously loud, maybe some Taylor to get Zeegs up." Cole suggested and she shrugged, sitting up to stare at the Netflix opening screen. She hadn't even clicked on the profile, the account she shared between her, Mya, Trevor, Jamie and Mason.

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