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Waking up in Trevor's arms the next morning had Hunter ecstatic. She had debated, staying in his arms until he woke or going downstairs and making breakfast for everyone. She knew the grand gesture would be appreciated, but Trevor was so warm, holding her close to his chest.

Deciding that her boyfriend can manage to sleep on his own, she detached herself from him. Slowly removing his arms from her before climbing out of bed. He was a sound sleeper, so she hadn't worried too much when she'd tripped over their suitcases in attempt to find a shirt.

Deciding that she'd get dressed later, Hunter took one of Trevors shirts, knowing it'd be long enough that she wouldn't have to put more than her spandex on. She tugged it on over her head and clipped her hair up and out of her face.

When she'd made it down stairs, she was surprised to see that she wasn't the only one up. It was barely eight, yet Cole was sat at the island bar stool with a glass of orange juice. She couldn't help but smile as she saw him, leaning against the marble top beside him.

"G'morning." Cole mumbled, giving her a quick, toothless smile before looking back to his phone.

"Morning." She sung out, happily opening the fridge and taking out the breakfast groceries she and Mya had stocked up on.

"How's the birthday girl feeling today?" Cole asked, powering off his phone and placing it on the counter. She was like a school girl with her first crush, the mere question making her giggle to herself. "Assuming good?" The montreal player chuckled at her behavior.

"So good, Cole." She responded, sighing out her words.

"You got laid?" He asked, trying to pinpoint where the giddy behavior had started.

"Maybe." Her face felt hot, but she couldn't hide it. Even it that wasn't really what had her giddy and ready to do anything.

"Nice." Cole nodded, not bothering to ask any more questions. Hunter didn't care to continue, only humming to herself as she took out everything she needed for breakfast.

She had bacon and sausage, eggs, toast and avocado. She went simple, but made sure to cook the bacon and eggs in different ways, not knowing how everyone liked it cooked. Cole helped her some, though he was practically useless in the kitchen so she'd put him in charge of cutting the avocado.

Hunter had even made coffee, letting a pot brew for herself and whoever wanted it.

"I'm mad at you." Her brows furrowed as she turned from the stove top, met with Jamie.

"Me?" She pointed to her chest in question.

He nodded, "Mya and I wanted to make breakfast, since it's your birthday." Jamie stated, walking around the counter to embrace her in his arms.

"Should've woken up earlier then, you know I can't sleep past eight." She kissed his cheek, turning back to the stove.

"I hoped you would. Thought you'd be exhausted from that long shower you took." Her eyes widened, but she didn't face him. "Seems like one of you were at least." Jamie teased, noting the lack of Trevor in the kitchen.

"I couldn't sleep. Too much energy." She shrugged, flipping the eggs on the stove.

"Yeah, she's been all go, go, go and super smiley, it's kind of terrifying." Cole informed, back at the stool as she'd smacked him with a towel for eating the bacon.

"Hmm." Jamie watched the girl carefully as he took a stack of plates from the cupboard.

"Morning!" Mya bounced as she walked into the kitchen, immediately going to her best friend. "How was your night? Lots of birthday sex?" She asked, poking Hunter's side.

"A little." Hunter gawked, fighting back her foolish grin.

"Woah." Mya's eyes went wide as she stared at hwe best friend. She blinked rapidly, as if she'd been seeing something unreal. "You're glowing." The girl pointed out, leaning over to get a good look at her red face.

"Am I?" Hunter questioned happily, knowing she definitely was.

"Was it that good?"

"It was.." Mya raised a brow at the odd response, "you should say your goodbyes." Hunter mumbled, the other three now confused.

"Who's leaving?" Cole asked, the girl placing on her best poker face.

"Single Hunter." It took a second for them to process, but the second it had, Hunter was in a fit of giggles.

"Holy shit! Holy sh-Hunny! What the hell?!" Mya squealed, her arms clinging tightly around the other. "How'd he ask? Was he super—"

"I asked." She stated proudly and Cole jumped up from his seat, nearly kicking it to the ground.

"Finally!" Cole exclaimed, the three now celebrating with her.

"Finally, what?" Jack walked in, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"Zunny! It's sailed! The ship has left and is now—"

"Holy shit!" Jack shouted, louder than Mya had and Hunter laughed hysterically.

"That's what I said!"

"Okay, okay, I need to not burn breakfast so if you could move this party to the dining room or something.." Hunter ushered the group from the kitchen, waving her spatula to get them from her soace.

"Jeez, who the hell is being so loud at nine jn the morning?" Courtney grumbled out, glaring at the group.

"Hunter and Trevor are dating!" Mya exclaimed, Courtney looked to the girl and smiled.

"Makes sense." Courtney shrugged, unfazed though she was internally screaming with them.

Soon, Mya's loud excitement had dragged everyone from their beds, until the last one to come downstairs was the man of the morning. They'd all watched Trevor closely as he walked downstairs, unaware of the celebration they'd been having. They were all sat at the dining table, diving into the meal Hunter had made for them.

He walked in, a slight grin on his tired face, "morning, guys." He greeted, stopping behind Hunter and leaning down for a kiss. "Morning, baby." He mumbled against her lips, taking out the chair they'd left open for him.

"Morning, Z. Sleep good?" Jack asked, everyone trying to fight their own giggles.

"Yeah.." he looked around, noticing all the bright eyes on him. "I feel like I'm at an intervention. Why do you all look like that?"

"No reason." Mya mumbled, fighting her smile as she drank her coffee.

"Alright." He said unsurely, "how's my beautiful girlfriend this morning?"

"There it is!"

DELICATE ᵗʳᵉᵛᵒʳ ᶻᵉᵍʳᵃˢTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon