Chapter 30: Put an end on this

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"Excuse me?"

"Don't try to play games with me, Mon-El. I know Kara very well. She never gives up hope that all evils can be solved with love and truth. I wouldn't be surprised if you two were engaged, especially with planets so close together. Think you were very well accepted by Alura and Zor-El too."

"Do you know that Kara only came from a famous family, and she's not a princess, don't you?"

"You don't answer me, Daxen's Prince." She was impatient, not daring to ask again.

"...Seven years." He sighed.

Lena nodded by herself, calculating something in her mind. Seven years was a lot. Not that there was necessarily an age standard, but there was a difference between choosing to be alone and feeling one-sided love. Lena knew a little more about their past, although Kara never really wanted to touch that subject - for obvious reasons. Though it was a little difficult for drunken Alex not to talk about their disastrous relationship when she decided to complain about her sister or when the Guardians got together simply to talk about Superman or Krypton, the mood between Mon-El and Kara didn't make it any harder. Lena had picked up Kara's signals. The state of denial, the pain, the discomfort, the reluctant relief. There was one more thing to all of this, and Lena knew exactly what it was.

"I know you must be weirded out by the fact that I would risk my life to ask Kara for dating advice, but she is important to me. And I'm not using her to cheat on my wife, before doubting me." Lena crossed her arms, raised her eyebrow and rested her sore back on the cushion, staring at the man. "Why does everyone dude me? I know I hurt her, but Kara wasn't easy to handle as well. Kryptonians are selfish. They think they are the kindest, fairest, most benevolent people in the entire galaxy and that everyone should be grateful to them, as if they were a God."

"And you just wanted to fuck everyone, drink and play. I remember you very well." Lena replied, not wanting to agree with his words. Kara really had a boring God complex, but Luthor didn't head down to Daxen's Prince. No matter what.

"Yes, I remember that, but I changed. Kara changed me. I did all this for her. I became a better person and a better leader thanks to her. I just wish I was able to make her happy, but I couldn't. She deserved a better man than me."

"That I have to agree." Her voice was deep, concording with all her being, and Mon-El had noticed it. Lena leaned to him and put the arms on the table, proceeding her look to a serious one. "See Mon-El, a relationship has to have a beginning, middle, and end. That's why many people are obsessed with partners they no longer love. Believe me, I went through the same thing with Jack Spheer. We got along great, but he asked me to choose between him or live in another city and I chose to leave. When he came back I felt something. I don't know what it was exactly. Guilt, relief, miss... but it wasn't love. And we both knew that even if we stayed together it would never work out."

"And where is he now?"

"Dead." Lena lowered her head as she struggled with this memory. "He left saving this planet and Kara, but we managed to finish what we started and that was good, for both of us. I think he died in peace for this."

"Why are you telling me this, Lena?"

"Maybe this is nothing to you because you've had over a decade to get used to it, but Kara hasn't. You still mean a lot to her. You've moved on and married, but she hasn't."

"I didn't want things to be like this."

"Don't think she's out there crying for you. Kara dated other guys after you too, but that doesn't mean she got rid of you. What I'm saying is that you're Kara's chain, Mon-El. It's because of you that she can't be free and give herself to someone, and if you care about her, respect her broken feelings and put an end to this situation. That will be good for both of you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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