Chapter 14: Mesdames

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At Catco's restaurant, Lena and Kara were talking and eating enthusiastically in the outdoor seating area. It was a private spot that brought back fond memories for them, so Kara didn't hesitate to choose a table. The Kryptonian suspected that Lena Luthor also had a preference for nature, much like Elizabeth Walsh, but she didn't dare to inquire. Lena might have questioned if Kara was drawing comparisons because they were both exploring the art of spelling or something similar, and Kara didn't want to ignite another argument. Granted, Lena may not be as much of a free spirit as her biological mother, but the blonde could still see their similarities, especially when Lena wanted to escape from her business associates.

Kara was really glad they were having lunch together this time. Since Lena started to work on her new project, they hadn't had much time for lunch. Even if Kara tried to distract Lena's mind at L-Corp, it was only a matter of time before someone called for Lena's help, and she never returned. After numerous failed attempts, Kara simply got discouraged, settling for sending one message or two to her boss. Lena had also noticed the blonde's absence, just as she had noticed that none of the messages were related to food or healthy living advice. Only weeks later, Lena's work eased up, and to make up for lost time, the CEO decided to give her best friend a little surprise at Catco, which Kara certainly loved.

"I received feedback from our dearest brother's sponsors, and they loved your article. They told me people are improving their quality of health abroad thanks to you! That's terrific, Kara! Our work is inspiring people to have a conscience and move. I... I don't even know what to ask right now." Lena tilted her glass of whiskey and took a sip, unable to contain an embarrassed giggle as she drank it.

"What about this? I, Kara Zor-El, want to propose a toast to the sexy and smart boss who works hard to help people because she has a big heart." Kara sounded more polite than she could, eliciting a giggle from Lena. "All right, then. And I, Lena Kieran Luthor, drink a toast to the amazing and courageous woman who supported me all the time, and ask that without her, I'd be lost." Kara chuckled quietly and raised her potstickers. The CEO followed her suit, lifting her fruit salad. They touched their food and locked their eyes on each other, then broke into laughter.

Suddenly a vibrant sound interrupted them and Lena reluctantly abandoned her friend as she focused on her mobile phone. After a mere glance at the screen, her toothy grin vanished.

"It's my lawyer." She didn't need to look up to know Kara was worried, her eyes never leaving her screen. "I need to go to Metropolis to resolve the issue of Luthor's properties. Since Lex and my mother are dead, I'm the only one who can handle the Luthor's inheritance." Lena let a long and tired sigh fly out of her mouth.

"I'll go with you." Kara affirmed.

"Thank you, Kara, but I cannot let you do that. You still have work to do."

"Why don't you call James?" The two women turned toward the origin of the voice, realizing Sam was standing next to them. How long had she been there? "He used to be Catco's boss for a short time. He can help me while you and Kara are in Metropolis." She suggested.

Kara nodded as she was lost in her thoughts. It wasn't the first time she'd asked him to lead something for her, however, Lena thought not the same. "Firstly, asking help for my ex-boyfriend was not exactly what I like to do, and second, how do you know about my emergency travel to Metropolis?" Lena questioned Sam.

"I answered the call at your office. I came here to ask you, but it seems the cellphone was faster."

"Obviously." Lena teased.

"I'd have made it in time if you were sitting in the middle of the restaurant instead of at the table outside behind the potted plant." Sam complained, and Lena took a bite of her fruit salad, pretending Sam's mood was not directed at herself. "My bad," Lena just said, and Sam never had a huge desire to let Reign back so much like right now.

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