Chapter 20: One condition

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"What's wrong, Alex?"

Kara and Lena got in the room of control, seeing everybody looking straight at them. Nia was with the hands on her waist, and Kara noticed this exact moment the news was not the happier — she did that exact pose when she was worried. Brainy and Winn were working together to figure out something rummaging among the codes whilst Alex was asking them exactly what to do.

"We read your message to coming and saw J'onn and Kelly at the entrance. What's wrong? Another terrorist attack?" Lena was with a stubborn line on her forehead as she tried to decipher the ambient. "I'd like to know too." Alex put her hands on Winn's chair, now looking at the centers of screens on the wall, "Minutes ago one of our agents called me to show me a video a kinda weird captured by our cameras. Seems something is moving in the shadows since earlier at National City, but we don't know sure what is."

Alex consented to Winn to play the video, so he did. The DEO's roof hadn't anything abnormal. Little cars ran behind causing intense congestion and gigantic buildings with more than hundreds of floors to every side. Suddenly, a figure jumped into the usual scene, and disappeared. 

Kara and Lena got shock. 

They side-eyed each other.

Is it something in their minds?

It could be.

At the same time?

. . .

"Wait a sec, play the video again." Kara ordered as she walked closer to the screams, "And slow down the velocity."

"At your command, Supergirl."

Winn squeezed some bottles and the video played again. This time the pair of blue and green eyes could see a red blur jumping skillfully between the buildings like a cat. It was fast enough to not be seen and light enough that no one not even hear his steps. If it was not for the DEO's technology, his presence wouldn't even be noticed, but they knew the cameras were not lying.

"We cannot see anything. Is there a chance to improve image quality?" Lena questioned. 

"I tried using our usual apps, but it didn't work. This stuff moved faster that our programs couldn't find anything beyond pixels with many tones of black and red." Brainy asked her.

"So there's no way to have a quality picture?"

"I didn't say that. It needs time." Lena raised her eyebrow and Brainy glanced at Winn nervously. "A half-hour, maybe." He gasped.

"No way." Alex chimed in, remembering her last decision, "With 10 minutes a bank can be stolen, with 30 those jerks destroy the city. Try to find another way"

"What do you think is it? An alien?" Kara blurted out and Alex shook her head, speechless. 

"It can be whatever. An alien, a martian trying to hide his real face or whatever extraterrestrial. We don't know, that's why we need to figure it out soon." Alex said.

"Maybe something to do with Lex?" It just dawned in Kara's mind, "We know him, it's possible he assumed everything and set something up in the shadows to attack us later, and since my real identity was revealed, his plan started."

"I'd like it was so simple like that, Kara, but I have serious doubts about it. Lex used to be very paranoid and discreet, and a woman with red hair is exactly the opposite of everything he does." With Lena finishing her sentence, everyone turned to her. The shock was written on their faces. 'Woman' she had just said after looking at a squatted picture, making all those jaws drop. "Guys, she's a woman. Look at the curves in this part of the bust and the round butt. And the fat on the thighs. She might be wearing a glove, but we can clearly see that her fingers are thin and round. Men have squarer and thicker bodies, it's impossible it be a man." Lena pouted, seeing the face of everyone flinch at each word she said. "What's wrong? It's science. Nobody here studied anatomy?"

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