Chapter 4: Playing businesswoman

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A tired sigh left through the Catco's officer as the blue eyes were focused on the new piles of paperwork that had arrived. As Lena had requested, Catco Media Entertainment had implemented more security technology to prevent the entry of unwanted individuals, much like Morgan Edge. Initially, the device appeared to be just another among the numerous commercials that existed. However, Lena herself had manipulated the device to recognize the faces and infrared light of Catco's employees. This was sufficient to ensure that disguises or suspicious materials would not gain entry through those doors.

Things were progressing well at Catco so far, which made Kara happy, though she felt a bit insecure about what the future might hold. People beyond the glass walls rushed to complete their tasks before the impending deadline, adding more work to Kara's already busy schedule. Now, she was standing in for Lena. Not only did she have one pile of paperwork to review, but two, and it was quite exhaustive. Perhaps moving into Lena's office hadn't been the wisest decision Kara had made. She had to explain to everyone that she wasn't "pretending to be Lena," although their responses mostly sounded like "you're the boss's friend, so of course you can do whatever you want," before returning to their desks.

Rao, it was quite boring!

James Olsen even offered himself to handle the alleged sponsors instead of Kara, but Kara had to decline. Sam, Alex, and Jess believed that Kara was the only one who could accurately anticipate Lena's thoughts. So Kara clung to their hopes, wishing that nothing would jeopardize Lena's job or her life.

"Miss Danvers, there are more documents for you to sign." Jess put the papers on the table and settled down beside Kara, patiently waiting for her to review the contents. The blonde read the documents cautiously. She thought twice, three, four times before marking a page. Kara was aware the impact a seemingly insignificant signature could have on the lives of many innocents. On the other hand, knowing which documents she could sign was much easier. 

Kara had observed Lena working many times, which had given her insight into Lena's priorities and how the paperwork should be organized. Documents with imminent deadlines were kept in the left drawer, and if they needed to be moved, they were placed in the red folder. Those with more time before the deadline went in the right drawer, designated by the green folder. Each document had its own subcategory, meticulously organized, just as Lena always did.

"Hold on Jess. This is a document regarding image copyright theft. It's assumed that Lena had already signed this a while ago, given that she needs to address the accuser in court, but it appears she hasn't. Do you know anything about this?"

"I'm sorry Kara, but I haven't heard anything about it. Maybe it's in Lena's schedule. She never goes anywhere without it... I left it at L-Corp." Kara detected a hint of amusement in Jess's disappointed expression, though she suppressed a laugh. Something felt suspicious. "Hey, how about Lena's tablet? As far as I know, she records almost everything in her schedule there. Do you think you can access it?" Jess's smile grew as she began searching through the app on her tablet, a glint of excitement in her eyes. Once she found it, she swiftly turned the tablet toward Kara, revealing a week's worth of empty notes. "I knew it! Lena must be planning something with this guy. That's why we don't have any details... Could you please put it in the red folder, Jess? I have a feeling Lena will need it soon." The receptionist nodded, following Kara's request.

With more issues resolved, Kara leaned back in her chair, feeling the strain in her back; and she gazed at the news presentation slides on the large canvas. It used to help Cat Grant to remind all the effort them took to achieve success, so it encouraged her to continue. Cat told Kara that true achievement couldn't be jeopardized by fleeting distractions. A mere flowerpot, a laptop, and a phone on the table in a room with windows and gray armchairs were insufficient to bring lasting happiness, especially when work flowed incessantly through the door.

Kara couldn't help but admire Cat even more.

A whistle from Kara's Kryptonian cell phone drew her attention away from her thoughts. It was a message from Alex. Lena was still sleeping, and her fever had subsided. According to Kelly, Lena's condition was likely due to physical exhaustion from not respecting her own limits. Rest would likely resolve the issue. This was good news; and Kara abandoned her chat to return to the homepage, her eyes drawn to the image of Lena and herself embracing on the splash screen. Kara felt immense relief that Lena was recovering. Lena rarely fell ill, and Kara hadn't noticed anything amiss during their training sessions. What if Kara hadn't been looking out for Lena? What if Lena's illness wasn't just fatigue? What if Lena's situation resembled Mxyzptlk's vision?

"Ahem!" Kara quickly wiped away her tears and looked up, startled by the new presence in the office. She greeted the young reporter with a smile, inviting her in. Nia placed her papers on Kara's desk with a hint of timidity, along with a flash drive, before meeting Kara's gaze. With all the materials in hands, the editor-in-chief began reviewing the documents and watching the reportage video. Once finished, Kara picked up her phone and called the art director. James Olsen arrived promptly. 

"Okay guys, I wanted both of you here to discuss this." Kara gestured towards the materials once more. "The Editor's note was accurate, and I'm glad you managed to deliver everything before the deadline. However, James, this can't compromise the quality of our work. These videos lack proper censorship. People can be identified by their silhouettes and voices, and that's unacceptable. You need to review it again before we publish."

James acquiesced and left the room. He didn't appear as cheerful as when he entered, but Kara knew there was nothing more she could do. It was her responsibility as editor-in-chief to ensure that everyone adhered to the guidelines and maintained the quality of information presented in Catco's newspaper. Kara let out a sigh in response before turning her attention to Nia Nal. The young woman seemed noticeably nervous, and Kara couldn't help but chuckle. It was as if Kara were reliving her own first day at work, a blend of nostalgia and anxiety filling her chest. It felt strange.

"Nia, would you please have a seat beside me?"

Nia complied, taking a seat in the gray armchair across from Kara. Unconsciously, she folded her hands on the white table, offering her new boss a nervous smile. Kara giggled and placed a hand on Nia's. She began speaking slowly, taking a deep breath as if coaxing the young hero to do the same. 

"Nia, what you've done is fantastic. Your work has improved significantly since you joined us, but I'd like to offer you some advice. Do you see this scene? The child is crying because his uncle was shot. I understand that we want to show how violence affects innocent people and encourage it to stop, but what about the child? Isn't he suffering too? Would he want to be filmed? Despite how noble our intentions may seem, we also need to respect people's privacy and emotions. Do you understand what I'm saying?" Nia nodded quietly, her efforts to hold back tears was evident. Kara gently wiped away a few stubborn drops from Nia's reddened face, offering a smile. "You're a talented reporter, and I'm confident that you'll soar to greater heights soon. And remember Nia, you and your cameraman are a team. Sit down and discuss your videos with him, make decisions together. I believe you can do it."

"Thank you, Kara," Nia said, sniffling.

Kara smiled. "No problem, that's why I'm here. Now go and don't be late for practice, Miss Dreamer." Nia chuckled and left the office, leaving Kara behind with a sense of satisfaction in her eyes.

So a soft chuckle echoed through the walls, prompting Kara to turn her head and identify the source.

"I'm sorry, you two were so adorable together. It's like a mother and daughter relationship." Jess was smiling, and Kara returned the gesture. 

"Nia and I? Nah, she's just a good friend. Some even say she's more mature than me. Can you believe that? And I'm the oldest on the team! Okay, technically it's Alex, but if my ship hadn't been in the Phantom Zone for 24 years, I'd be the oldest." Kara spoke with a playful pout, eliciting a laugh from Lena's receptionist.

"But if you were the oldest, you wouldn't have met Lena."

Kara fell silent. She had never considered that perspective before.

"How... How about we get back to work? These papers won't sign themselves."

Jess's laughter filled the room as she followed her current boss's lead. Kara would never change.

The rest of their hours were spent organizing documents and making business calls, all in the hopes of preparing for Lena's return to work. It was quite a challenging task, Kara admitted, but Jess's advice proved invaluable.

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