Chapter 13: You deserve it

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Lena finished to sight another paper and gathered all of them on a single stack of paper, then solved it in the drawer. Having no paperwork when she looked back took her by surprise. She hadn't anything to complain about Kara's work. Her organization was amazing, as if Lena herself was working here. Kara even has been setting business meetings for her while Lena was busy at L-Corp, and the Catco's cust documents were all sent to L-Corp; sometimes by Jess, sometimes by any Catco employee. And for Lena's luck, they all were detailed. Meanwhile, the Luthor was not sure if Kara was writing notes on the documents for Kara being a confused or a helpful person. Anyway, Lena didn't dislike it. Unlike Kara, she wasn't accustomed to dealing with media issues, let alone the countless steps Catco employees had to go through to get a news story published in a newspaper, on the radio, or TV. She was deeply grateful to Kara for her assistance, and the blonde was likely unaware of how much she appreciated it.

To avoid losing track of time again, Lena glanced down at her wristwatch. She stood up and put on her blue blazer before striding out of the room, ensuring she didn't leave her black handbag behind. Her footsteps echoed as she walked toward Kara's building, announcing her approach to everyone in the vicinity. When she finally reached the blonde's workplace, she stopped. It was empty. Confused, Lena noticed a certain man seated at the table next to Kara's and approached him without being noticed. The CEO observed him intently, noting his intense focus on his keyboard, with no intention of stopping. She looked to the screen and read 'Where the Batcave is', and made a face.

Lena promptly lowered her large headphones.

"Where is Kara?" She questioned with her crossed arms. 

"Hey, you couldn't come here and do that with my baby. Do you know how many this headphone cust? It's a gem in Earth that I-  Oh." Lena raised her eyebrow, waiting for him to continue. "Um, hi Lena, I was just... searching about those most searching news." Winn replied.

"I saw what kind of news is it." Lena grumbled and touched on Winn's chair. "Now ask me, where is Kara? This time she'd be writing on her desk, but she's not here either, and I finished all my paperwork."

"Maybe she's still on the street. When she used to be a reporter, sometimes she spent days out depending on her situation."


"I said depending on the situation." Winn reminds her. "Kara is with Nia, so I think they will take some hours. They were quite excited when it comes to chasing people."

"You don't say." She snorted. "Anyway, if Kara wasn't here, who's managing Catco?"

"It's me."

Lena's jaws got colder at the exact moment she heard his voice. She breathed briefly and turned back to watch a tall blade black man heading closer to her. Lena greeted him with a quick kiss on his cheek and pulled away, feeling a certain nervous being revealed through her toothy.

"James. Fancy seeing you here." She blurted out.

"I know, right. I came here to visit Winn, and when I noticed, they simply got away." 

"Yeah, I'm seeing that."Lena laughed nervously, and a brief silence fell between them. Winn made a pouty face and glanced at the two immobile figures in front of him. "I think... I should go." He said to them. The tension flew in the air.

"It's not necessary, Winn. We're just—" James mentally cursed when he realized Winn had already left. His throat made a huge move and he shot a bright gentlemanly smile at Lena. "Have you been changing something in yourself?" he inquired.

"No." Lena replied flatly.

"No, no, something is different. Your perfume? No, it's something else. Let me see... Oh, your clothes. I don't remember you wearing them when we were together."

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