Chapter 22: Opportunity

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An annoying beep sound over and over, frowning Kara's forehead. The eyelids slowly opened up and Kara looked around, recognizing the line in her arm. The sun lamps were appointed to her. The Supergirl suit were hung beside the stretcher while a mask of oxygen were refreshing Kara's nose, and many other machines were connected on her, checking her neural condition, heartbeat, cleaning her blood and many other things she had no idea what are those for. A flash of memories back to Kara's mind, making her covered her face immediately. Rao, how it was possible? No wanting to wait more, Kara ignored the pain on her body and took off all those needles into her, heading straight to the room of control.

"Can you ask me what I'm doing here?" Alex and Lena turned at Kara, revealing the worries in their eyes, but she forged on before someone ask anything, "Where's Kate? She should be here, we need to arrest this man."

"Batwoman is on the Presidential House and Carter Grant is carrying by Nia and Brainy. You, on other hand, are gonna go back to the room and rest." Lena ordered Kara, appointing to the another place, but Kara didn't move, trying to process the information. That was serious?

"Lena is right, sis. Your body absorbed many kryptonite at the same time. Luckily one canceled another, but that doesn't mean you hadn't infected by one, and we don't know what, so please, Kara." Alex made the same gesture as Lena, appointing to the another room. Kara's eyes winded up in shock, perplexed what she was seeing. "You can't be serious. I'm the Woman of the Steel, I'm not running away from any war. I can handle a kryptonite. I always survived untill now, right?"

"I beg you Kara, for the first time stop being so stubborn and hear us." Lena muttered, massaging her own temples to avoid unnecessary words let out from her mouth. "I saw you, okay? I saw everything. That's why I wanted you'd have a camera, cause you never respect your limit! If Kate wasn't there, I wonder what..." Lena covered her face and took a deep breath, trying to control her shaking chest.

"We always know being a super has a price, Lee." Lena took off the hands on her face and raised her eyes to Kara. Her lips were subtly separated, stunned. "I'm aware I can die during our work, and I'm okay with that, really. If I can help salving aliens and people someway, I'll do no matter what."

"How can you say that so early?" Lena practically gasped, no having straight enough to discuss about it. That was a lot to her mind. "Do you think I like just to sit and wait for your dead?  That my hands aren't trembling all times I need do an emergency surgery on my best friend?! Being I could just simply leave and help you like others, but you-... You always say no."

"You're always helping me, Lee. We already asked you in the lab-"

"Don't try to convince me with excuses, Kara Zor-El." Kara closed her mouth, seeing the green eyes staring her. A mix of angry and pain were into Lena's spheres, hurting Kara, but even she wished to calm the CEO, she was not sure what she should to ask. Honestly, she doesn't even had idea what was happening at that moment.

"Why I can't fight by your side like everybody does? Why Kate Kane can be by your side and I am not? Because it's dangerous? Kate is a human! Alex, James, Brainy and Kelly are human too but you let them face the dangers with you, so why-I'm-not? I told you I'm not a princess in the town, Kara. I always take care of myself. I survived for numerous kidnappers, bombs and tentatives of homicide you don't have idea! I built a military base alone, your suits. I killed my brother for you! And you think I'm not enough? If you wanted I have powers to protect me, okay. I'm a witch now, are you happy?"

Kara's eyes focused on her shoes, while Lena forged on asking.

"I'm sick of seeing you almost dying for us and don't let anyone help you. You said we're a team, but when really the time came, no one does anything because you're our leader!" Lena snorted loudly and crossed her arms, trying to some way reduce her anger, but she was not successful. "I don't know how your leadership works, but I know be a leader is more than just cary the world on your back. It's know every person on your team have different qualities, and because of that sometimes you should let one lead instead of you. The team need a leader to guide them? Yeah, but not to die for them, but to bring them together as one person. El-Mayarah." The face of Kara melt in deception, unable to face the CEO. "I thought you had changed, but not. You continue having those God complex as ever." Lena turned her back to Kara and strid off the room.

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