Chapter 6: The maybe sponsor's visit

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Kara put the phone back on the desk and asked for Jess' tablet, writing another meeting for the next week.  A few minutes ago the blond had finished asking her coworkers which kind of issue she would like to be their focus. As editor-in-chief, she was also responsible for choosing the newspaper content. If this meeting was around hours ago - being more specific, when she wakes up -, Kara would be freaking out of happiness to ask. She'd be lying if any proud feeling was in her chest during their meeting days. It was not only the fact her hard work rewarded her with a job promotion, but she could choose content to search about! Kara loves to search for the news. Kara loves to let her curiosity guide her senses. Kara loves everything about her job - or at least, for a while.

Backing to working, the blonde wrote in a notebook a new task was done. At first, she thought could be a good idea simply paint of green Lena's schedule from the laptop, but she gave it up. Kara couldn't risk ruining Lena's plans - whatever she had in mind - just to try to organize her mind, so a notebook was her lifeguard. Sometimes Sam called her to question how everything is going, and... well, let's say Kara's life would be summarized on a few objects: notebook, laptop, schedules, documents, paperwork, meeting, research, and signatures. If that was a businesswoman's life, so yeah, everything is perfect.

Snoring sounds in the room sudden.

Kara put a hand on her stomach and made a face. It was not good new. "Are you sure you don't want to eat more, Kara? You're starveling." The Kryptonian shook her head, denying the tempting Jess' purpose. She ate early, but it was not enough for her belly. Kara cursed it. For the first time Kara cursed herself for being so hungry, that was killing her. "You're doing the same as Lena, just working to not accumulate papers and waste your time reading and signing all." Jess seemed a bit angry about Kara's behavior, not giving the blonde another alternative than chuckling.

"I know it's not healthy, but you saw me eating earlier. It's just my body that doesn't understand I need to stay and work." Jess crossed her arms, unsatisfactory with Kara's response. "Please Jess, don't make this harder to me. Anyway, it's just today. Alex texted me Lena is okay. I just need to hold out until the end of the day, that's all." Jess sighed in giving up, not daring to waste her saliva on a subject that would lead nowhere. If there was something she had learned being Lena's receptionist it's Kara as stubborn as Lena. Maybe that's why they match so well with each other.

"Kara! Could you ask me why my article was back on my desk?!" Snapper exclaimed abruptly, forcing Kara to cover her ears. If it weren't for the chemically modified material developed by Lena, Kara would have sworn that the glass walls could have shattered at that moment. The seasoned editor-in-chief was visibly upset, perhaps even more so than when he returned from his sabbatical. Beside Kara, Jess was shaking like a frightened pinscher, clearly unnerved by his tempestuous mood. The Kryptonian, on the other hand, just sighed and kept her gaze at her former boss, preparing herself for another round of screams. "Who do you think you are? I'm the most prestigious reporter that this publishing company had met! Or do you believe that just because you're occupying the boss' chair, you can dictate to everyone? Has the power already gone to your head, Supergirl?"

Kara closed her fist tightly and breathed as deeply as possible, hoping Rao wouldn't let her red eyes show up, otherwise someone would end up dead. "My dear boss Snapper, haven't you read my notes? To summarize to you, I think you should be cautious with your generalization of words like 'always' and 'only'. They're very potent and most of the time they don't sound like the reality, just like what happened with your last judgment against Lena."

Snapper rolled his orbs, annoying.

"Sometimes we need to see with our heart and ask with facts." Snapper raised his eyebrows with a pout, clearly belittling Kara's comment. She simply ignored him and continue asking, "For example, Mrs. Grant. She's an amazing woman, we know that, we feel that, but we need to show this to everyone because... well, she's not so visible like that. I'm asking this because you taught me that we, as reporters, must write factual information to deliver only the best to our audience. And I know you are not a hypocrite and you always give your all in everything you do, or am I wrong?"

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