Chapter 29: The talk

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Kara was submerged in a sea of paperwork, not at her desk, but in Lena's office at CatCo — a routine occurrence for her lately. She went to her floor at CatCo, kept on her desk to try to have the normal life of a reporter, and after having lunch it was her time to wear her woman business mask and run to the officer. It had been a few weeks since the interview, and Kara had noticed some positive changes. Many of the controversial posters had been taken down, and the atmosphere in National City seemed to be shifting. Kara felt somewhat satisfied with the progress.

According to Alex, the public's reaction might have been influenced by the empathy they felt toward Kara's sincerity during the interview, much like Dreamer's recent interview. However, dealing with people meant uncertainty. Nonetheless, Kara and Lena were pleased with the positive response, reclaiming Kara's personal space little by little. Lena suggested they could even use their influence for good, leveraging their natural fame — for better or worse — to advocate for good causes like environmental conservation or waste reduction.

Lena estimated a 70% chance of success.

It was an appealing prospect, even if Kara found it somewhat unsettling.

Kara sighed, I hope Rao doesn't let it cause trouble for her.

A sudden gust of wind swept through the room, sending papers flying into the air. Looking at the empty desk, Kara clenched her teeth. She struggled to take a deep breath and turned her gaze to the new arrival standing before her.

"Mon-El, what are you doing here?"

"I came to your apartment, but no one answered. I saw some... magazines and thought you were avoiding people, but you weren't there."

"Obviously I was not, I work earli-..." Kara blinked, reformulating his sentence. "How did you know I wasn't there?" Mon-El remained silent. "Did you invade my apartment?"

"I think you misunderstood me"

"I have superhearing, Mon-El, it's impossible I don't hear you!" Kara spoke louder than she wished, her hands resting firmly on the table. "Do you realize that's an invasion of private property? It's a crime."

"No for aliens.", he chuckled.

"Now yes!"

The funny Mon-El's face vanished instantly. Perhaps things on Earth had changed more than he thought.

"I'm sorry Kara, but I needed to talk to you." Kara furrowed her brow, giving him a skeptical look. Seriously, did he invade her place just to talk? That was too much to her mind.

Without wanting to think more, Kara took a deep breath and began gathering the scattered papers from the floor, feeling the weight gaze from the statue in front of her. "Look Mon-El, I don't know if you've noticed, but a lot has changed since we last saw each other. I'm busier. I have deadlines to meet, articles to finish, projects to review... I can't just drop everything whenever you want"

"I understand, but I need someone to talk to." Kara paused in her frantic paper-gathering, scrutinizing him carefully. "Please, I need you." The desperation in his voice softened Kara's resolve, and she sighed. "Okay, but just for a moment," she conceded, reluctantly rising from her chair.

Kara quickly grabbed a pen and wrote a short note on the table, then made her way to the window. Breaking into CatCo through the window like a burglar was not how she planned to spend her day, but she knew that Nia and Snapper were on the floor, and she wasn't in the mood for Snapper's lectures.

As expected, Mon-El simply followed her behind without question. As long as he got what he wanted, everything was perfectly fine.

Within minutes, they found themselves in the familiar comfort of the alien bar. Kara couldn't think of a better place to be at that moment. Something told her she needed a boost to face whatever was coming, and she knew she wouldn't find it in her apartment. The mere thought of being alone with Mon-El in her apartment didn't sit well with her after everything that had happened between them. The bar was the safer option.

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