Chapter 9: Karaoke

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"Thank Gosh it's Saturday, Mr.Allen, because I swear if today was not a weekend Kara would be working. She can be good and not shoo you away from here, but I'm not like her, and I don't want anybody asking me if I have a favorite reporter."

"Is that not real?" Kara sounds a bit deceptive.

"No Kara, of course you're my favorite reporter. It's just I can't simply benefit you more than others only because you're my friend, It's not fair. Do you understand, don't you?" Kara nodded, although Lena still could feel a trace of sadness in her.

"Since we've decided that, shall we go, Kara?" Barry questioned her.

"Wait a sec, you mean Kara needs to go to another Earth with you? No way, it's too dangerous." Lena chimed in. "Nah, Kara came to my Earth sometimes... To Earth-1, let's say that, and anything happens." Barry said to her.

Lena gave an angry look to Kara. She shivered. "I... I promise I'll explain everything to you." The blonde stuttered.

"It's good, Supergirl."

"Hum... Anyway, it's good I'm going with Barry. If Iris sees me, may she get less angry with him" Kara changed the subject, which Lena realized, but ignored. Something most important was hitting her mind.

"I'm going with you then." Lena said.

"No, it's too dangerous, Lee. I couldn't fly with you there. Your body couldn't handle it."

"Who says about flying? There is an Egyptian teletransport spell in which I can mentally travel to another universe either by making a ritual or using a circle with the Eye of Horus and thinking about the person I want to follow. It's not hard for me."

"Can you die while you're using this spell?"

"Well... my body and spirit can affect each other just like the Planthon Zone. The difference is that if my body dies, my spirit still can walk around." Kara made a face, not liking it just when Lena asked 'Planthon Zone'. That place had caused a lot of problems and trauma to both of them. And even if Lena knew this, why would she want to experience this again? "I take care of my health, Kara. Anyway, I intend to do the ritual of laying on a stretcher with saline in me to certify anything that can affect me. And I'm sure my technology can handle this easily."

"I don't know, Lena. What about you... I don't know, land in another universe?"

"So you ask Brainy to calculate the vibration of your watch and find me." Lena teased her, but it didn't reach the blue spheres. She touched Kara's hand. "I know you're worried, but I'm improving my spelling, even Esme noticed that. I know I can do that." Asked the brunette, still reading the resistance on the Kryptonian's face.

Kara closed her eyes, thinking. "...You said it's like a dream?"

Lena smiled instantly.

"Yes. I can wake up whatever hour in the exact place my body is." She spoke.

"So it needs to be here in my apartment. DEO is safe but I cannot be sure if no one's gonna turn off devices or try to wake you up on the spur of the moment."

"So that means...?" Lena was showing her teeth as a grin.

"It means that... that... Argh! Sure, you can go with us." Lena bit the slips, excited, trying not to make a huge show of Kara accepting. "But please, take care, Lena." Kara completed.

"I promise you. See ya soon?"

Kara just had the strength to nod. Then she quickly turned to her super suit and flew away gathering Barry running. Lena needed time to recompose herself after seeing Barry's speed, though no longer treated to looking for their items to do the Egyptian dream temple technique. The Scientist rushed to take the Eye of Horus at DEO and came back to Kara's apartment. She knew J'onn J'onzz used to have a secret room with magic items there, which Lena luckily had free entrance as part of the team. Finally, in the blonde's place, the CEO prepared organic saline and rummaged in her handbag for an injection, organizing with all she had in her power to transform that living room as much like a hospital room as possible.

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