Chapter 3: Who should be the leader?

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"Do you know what you have to do, don't you Kara? Sure. Recapitulating, if you feel it hurts you a lot or you're tired, you must ask me at the exact time, you got it?"

Kara nodded.

Alex scrunched her lips, unsure if her little sister really had understood this. She looked around and focused on Lena. The CEO nodded, calming the DEO's leader. Alex prepared herself in combat pose and faced Kara fixing. The Kryptonian got the first movement. She tried to punch Alex, but the bioengineering dodged her attack and hit Kara's chest. This time Kara took a few steps back, feeling an insupportable fire corrode her inside. The kryptonite on Alex's clothes was closer enough to affect her, turning the train harder. Kara took a steady breath, closed her wrists and ran to the leader, backing to fight.

Lena was watching this with attention. Her palms were crushing each other as a leg jumped frequently, losing on its own nervousness. She hated this feeling. Alex had advised her to sit far away from them to her own protection in case something happens. It didn't glad the brunette, anyway what exactly bad could happen with Kara? This combat training wasn't supposed to be safe? Although that had thought her mind, Lena nodded, as obeying Kara's sister and nowadays chief. Thanks to the ring provided to Kara by Legion Ring, the Kryptonian became more powerful and comfortable with the kryptonite presence. She was not unattainable like a human, but was able to handle a limited exposition of kryptonite light ray, unlike other aliens just like Superman. It was a good advance.

"So, how are they going to?" A kind hand stands on Lena's shoulder. The brunette put her own hand on this one and leaned the back on the chest behind her, hoping the warm body of her friend would calm down your nerves. "As far as I know, it's okay. According to Brainy maps the last try to hurt Supergirl was availing her weakness like kryptonite or threatening us. So Alex said improving Kara's combat skills would be a good idea, especially after exposing her identity. Probably the number of temptations is gonna grow, so Kara needs to be prepared for everything." Lena explained to her. "And you are afraid." Sam saw the sad green eyes flicked over to the ground, although Lena's head kept standing to the fight. This was one of Lena's abilities which most took Samantha Arias a while to figure out, but this day finally came. No normal human being could pay attention to all those idiots in a whole business meeting, but Lena did, or at least that's what it seems. It was a very useful ability when they needed to keep attention on someone and not get angry, she confessed. It's a shame It was necessary almost every day. "Don't worry about her, Lena. Kara leads this group for years, she knows what is doing. And if she was stubborn, Alex is there, I'm sure she would be the first to figure it out. And after, it's better everyone close their ears cuz the next will be louder." Lena laughed softly as the tense shoulders calmed down under Sam's hand.


Lena stood up immediately and looked at the girls. Kara was on the ground as Alex's shoe was on her stomach. The two of them grasping, ignoring the sweat of their own faces. This position was the most vulnerable to a combat fight, no chance for the dude who won. Lines of light rays spread over the blonde face, asking how close the mortal ore was from her. Kara's switching fingers weren't missed by Lena's look. The torturing hurts were expressed by the Kryptonian, breaking her heart. Even though Kara was so stubborn to simply accept without a second chance and stand up quickly, backing to her defensive fight pose ready to punch her sister.

"Alex, don't hurt her a lot! I need her to come to the event with me!" Lena blurted out. Kara looked up to her. Alex hit the blonde's chin. "Kara!" Lena ran toward the body thrown on the ground, got on knees and rested the friend's head on her own thighs. "Are you okay? Some part of your body hurts? Maybe we should get an X-Ray to confirm it. I'm going to my lab-" Kara held Lena's arm before she got up, pulling her back to sit by her side. Lena stays in the same place, not helping paying attention to any sign of a wound on the blonde body. Kara could be Supergirl, but first she was her best friend. Lena couldn't handle knowing the blonde was hurt. Kara was not an immortal, just more resistant than others. Only this. "Don't worry, Lee, I'm okay. Alex needs more than a punch to defeat me." Kara chuckled as ignoring the mortal look from her older sister. Lenas smiled at her play. Kara was okay. 

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