Chapter 12: Like you and Kara

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"Lena, do you need any help?"

"Oh yes, could you please take the computer seat?"

Brainy nodded and sat on the chair. His hand flew in the air, moving his fingers skillfully as a big hand machine obeyed his commands. Lena was on the long metal table, looking through the microscope at a powerful dark mineral. According to her notes, Harun-El was practically an isolation layer. Using it, Argo was completely invisible to satellite radar, rendering everything inside non-communicable until the mineral was broken. It was a revolution in Science. Lena still remembered when she injected Harun-El liquor into James' veins to save his life. She never thought those side effects would give him powers after all; it was really interesting. Everything was. Each new piece of information about the dark mineral made her curious and encouraged her to keep looking deeper over and over.

It was invigorating.

"What are you thinking of doing this time?" Brainy questioned her, already having an idea in mind. "Many things, actually. Maybe the most important ones are an energy resistor for DEO and a new uniform. If we use a Harun-El energy resistor during an external attack, the dark kryptonite would be offered to DEO energy, and all the satellite areas nearby would be lost."

"Statistically, a Yuda Kal stone's personsized piece can cover a metropolis completely, so if we consider the shooters hidden in buildings around and our helicopters... Great idea!"

Lena laughed, facing Brainy's exciting smile. Building and studying science together was relaxing for her, let alone with a smarter alien by her side. Many times they created theories and completed thoughts of each other, and somehow it worked. She was pretty happy to have him as a scientific partner, and a friend.

"Speaking of the uniform, I guess we could melt the dark kryptonite first and put it between the same modified fabric that's on Kara's suit. Alex could wear it during a secret mission as well. Harun-El would block the satellite radar, and it'd work like an invisible blanket covering everything it touches, which means no infrared light."

"And no contacts," Brainy added.

"Yeah, but Alex knows how to handle this. Anyway, let's make it clear Kara cannot even dare to wear this uniform, you got it, Brainy? The way she's clumsy and impulsive, it wouldn't take long for her to tear the fabric and split herself in two, and I don't want her to be intoxicated."

"Not underestimate me, Lena; my calculations have never been wrong." Lena gave him an ironic look. In fact, Brainy was good when it came to science and technology, but anything else; so yeah, his naivety worried Lena a lot. "Anyway, I saw you using virtual reality earlier. What are you studying exactly?" He changed the subject and erased Lena's expression.

"Let's say I was learning botany."

"Are you going to buy a flower shop, by any chance?"

"Hum, no, I was researching the Dar-Asah. Kara used to have one in her house on Krypton, and I'd like to give her an artificial one as a gift for leading Catco, what do you think?"

"Since it's you who is gonna give it to her, there's a 3% chance she won't like it, and a 1.68% chance she'd be able to lie about her emotions regarding it. Everything will be alright." Brainy abandoned his monitors and headed toward Lena, reading her notebook on the table. "You're going to use Harun-El to isolate the artificial plant and try to recreate the atmosphere of Krypton around it; how about the tree?"

"I manipulated the seeds' DNA and I did one artificially. created one artificially. There are some tests I need to do after using the dark kryptonite, but it's going to be ready soon. Maybe next week I can plant a seed and wait for it to grow to give it to Kara. Do you think you can find a safe place to store them with your super mind?" Brainy spun her with a 'what do you think?' look, and Lena chuckled.

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