Chapter 16: Your terrotist

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Lena's thumbs were caressing the yellow hair slowly, her gaze fixed on the iron bars in front of her. This cell was not as comfortable as the ones in National City. She hadn't any books or board games to entertain herself, let alone a warm blanket. She knew she wasn't adored by the people of Metropolis, whether they thanked her or not. It was still pretty disappointing.


She heard a painful groan and looked down, realizing that her fingers were no longer in Kara's hair. A crease formed on Kara's forehead, prompting Lena to return to her previous gentle caress of the blonde hair, gradually soothing Kara's expression. Lena gave a small grin. Since Cindy caused that scene in the bar, Kara never really calmed down. After the police took Lena away from Kara, the CEO thought they had left the blonde dead alone or were torturing her as an avenger against the Luthor family, but luckily hours later Kara was safely returned to her arms, still ill.

No doctor knew how to handle a Kryptonian's illness. The police said Kara had taken some medicine, but it wasn't enough to stop her injuries. Hearing it almost made Lena increase her prison sentence, but she struggled to keep silent. Usual medicines wouldn't work on the Girl of the Steel. It was the minimum a city with a superhero living as Metropolis should know. This lack of Kryptonian information was disappointing from a civil and scientific view.

"They're here."

Lena raised her vision and saw a strong man dressed in a blue suit with a red triangle on his chest stopping on the outside of the cell. Superman kept gazing at the policeman and no longer after he left, leaving the super alone in the corridor.

"It's an honor that you have your private cell, don't you think so, Miss Luthor?"

"What should I say? Luthor has this potential." Lena said with a sarcastic tone, noticing a small lineup on Superman's lip. "Are you here to ask me if I was finally arrested?"

"I'd like to, but I came here for another reason." His gaze down, meeting the asleep blonde rested on Lena's lap. "I knew it was you two." Lena frowned her forehead, confused. Clark took his cell phone and turned it to her, showing the CEO a yellow blur on the frozen screen. "It's impossible to see Kara's face on this video, but after the last meeting in her apartment, I know if you were at the bar, Kara was too."

"No wonder you're a good reporter, Mr. Kent." Clark darkened his face. "I was slow in figuring out Supergirl's identity, but I learned my lesson. And Kara isn't such a good liar as she thought. All her friends had a connection with a secret headquarters or have powers, and you're her dearest bloody cousin. It wasn't too hard." Clark puffed out his chest and rested the hands on his wraps, almost making Lena chuckle. "Don't be jelly, I just care about Kara. She's really bad right now."

"What happened with her?" Lena noticed a worried voice coming from the super and faced him. Clark was holding his dark feelings inside hard, but she still could see a fragment with worry. Just like Kara, he has more weaknesses than just kryptonite.

Lena sighed and faced the serene asleep blonde on her lap. "My elementary school classmate got drunk and started to yell about me and Kara's ears got hurt til she fainted." Lena spoke in a whisper, not abandoning the blonde's hair. "The police told me she took some medicine but it wasn't enough to stop her pain. Maybe if I was at DEO I could find a way to help her, but they won't let me out easily."

"What kind of medication?"

"I cannot say for sure cause I should be studying about it, but I guess if we use the yellow sun and let her rest, it'll be enough. Kara is so tense. Silence, a relaxing fragrance, a massage, or whatever can help her."

"Alright, so I'll get her to my house." The light in Lena's eyes disappeared slowly after hearing this, and she felt her heart grow bitter when she asked him: "Guess your house certainly is more comfortable than here." She whispered with an invisible grin on her face, getting Clark's attention.

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