Chapter 23: Magic to leader

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"Okay Lena, you're the leader now. What should we do?"

"Here is a Presidential House, which means it has at least 23 rooms and 56 doors to get in and out. I want five teams, two and each floor and walking to differents sides. If you see the president's guardians, let them help us and go to other side. The last team that rest  go right, I'm coming to left. Alex, let's go."

The redhead nodded and made circles with her index fingers, ordening all the DEO's agents to move. The combatants started to spread around and Lena and Alex went to another side as looking for Kate Kane. The Batwoman was wearing her secret microphone since before she and Kara stripped off the DEO, keeping to asking her updates as possible. The smuggle was hurt thanks Kara's punches, but he's still able to run, not faster enough. Kate followed his trail for long corridors and she was sure they never had a mismatch or otherwise she could sense him. And that's okay for a while, since they can find the man in a half to one hour.

"So that is serious? Kara lets her leader this mission?" The unbelief was written on Kate's facial expression and Lena showed her a proud grin, enjoying the tempting moment. "Lex Luthor's sister leading a Supergirl's mission. Now I saw everything."

"Believe in me when I say she doesn't like to lose. She's perfect to this mission." Alex muttered to Kate and the Batwoman sighed in concordance. The DEO's leader ignored it and rested a finger in her ear, clicking on the button of the microphone whilst were trying to focusing on the other voice behind the small technology. "Alright, sis. Any idea where is he?"

'I'm seeing the map Winn send me right now. According our agents, he's not on the second or third floor, so means he's near you, girls. The President Platino's guardians are blocking the doors, so we don't need to worry about that. Oh! That's extraordinary.'

"What do you mean, Kara?" 

'There are many rooms with alarms of protection on your floor, and it'd not be logical if he get in. So he has exactly and only 40 meters to run, with 7 rooms and 5... living rooms? I'm not sure. Winn, do you wanna see that? Well, these rooms to riches.' 

"You meant there're twelve ways to he hides behind something and throw on us. Thank you, sis. Call you later, bye." Alex finished the call before Kara keeps talking, turning her head to the Batwoman. "Kate, as you kept on here, how about the Kryptonite?"

"Many them were broken. The pieces are with... Brainy and Nia? I think that are their names. Anyway, I remember he took some kryptonites before running. A green and a rose, I guess."

"What exactly a rose kryptonite does?" Lena blurted out with a forehead frowned, deceiving her look to Alex. "I never heard about it, and Kara was very worried in the screen. Is it mortal as the green one?"

"No no, that's inoffensive. Kara was only pretending to give us time." Lena raised her eyebrow, seeing soft change on Alex's lips. She had not answered her question either. "Not a big deal, Lena. Kara is safe, doesn't she?" 


"Oh my. Here!"

Alex appointed to a shadow in the middle of the corridor and the women turned to, seeing a man to speed his steps. She rushed herself and came firstly into the distant room as being followed for Lena and Kate. Alex and Lena were with guns in their hands, lending an ear to any noise in the place. Kate, otherwise, had only an extra pair of gloves and some blades on her belt although everyone had idea they would not be used - Kate Kane never hesitated a chance of punching a person by herself.

Into the room all seemed completely normal. The mobiles hadn't be moved and not even a wind through those curtains asking them no one had scaped - He was still there in.

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