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A tear ran down her cheek as she put the dress on. The dress was dark green.

The sleeves fell from her forearms, and they were green with dark green flowers. The front appears as a coat, and the collar goes to her neck.

The bottom went to her feet and held the same dark green flowers. "You look beautiful, Princess," Alicent says as she enters the room.

"I have a carriage waiting for you outside. It will take you where you need to be." Alicent tells her while brushing hair from the girl's face.

"I do hope you will see the goodness in this, Princess." Alicent takes her toward the door. "I have to have the Prince ready. Go on."

Daellas head looks to the ground as she walks through the corridors. From above, watching from a window, is Rhaenys.

She frowns, watching the sad girl as Ser Erryk enters. Before he says anything, he hands her the letter.

As Daella sat in her carriage being carried toward the hill of Rhaenys. She refused to look out the window as her hands covered her face.

She feared the letter would not arrive and her mother would think her a traitor. She began to weep to herself before the carriage stopped.

But when it did, the doors opened, and a guard held his hand out to her. She wiped her tears as she took his hand and guided her into the dragon pit.

She walked toward the makeshift throne they had built. Helaena shared her frown as she stood next to Aemond. They all stood looking down at the small folk who were entering.

She had never felt more alone, even with Helaena by her side.

"People of King's Landing... today is the saddest of days. Our beloved king... Viserys the Peaceful... is dead." Otto announces to them.

Daella shifted on her feet, looking down at her hands fiddling with her rings. From the crowd, Rhaenys notices the girl and holds the letter tightly in her hand under her cloak.

"But it is also the most joyous of days... for as his spirit left us... he whispered his final wish: that his firstborn son, Aegon... should succeed him."

Daella felt a tear run down her face and chose not to wipe it. She glanced at Helaena, who was watching Daellas hands.

Her head lifts as she watches the city's watch make way for Aegon. They move small folk from their path, marching to a halt.

The trumpet's sound makes her look at her hands as the swords lift. "It is your great good fortune and privilege... to be here to witness this: a new day for our city, a new day for our realm."

Daella finally looks up as she watches Aegon come closer to them. "A new king to lead us." She blinks the tears from her eyes as he walks up the steps.

The Queen walks toward him, taking his face in her hands. She kisses her son's forehead before guiding him to the Septon.

He kneels to the ground as the Septon brings the water. "May the Warrior give him courage." The Septon says, swiping the water across his forehead.

She looked toward him as the septon continued, "May the Smith lend strength to his sword and shield." Another swipe.

"May the Father defend him in his need. May the Crone lift her shining lamp and light his way to wisdom." She watches the Septon hand over the water.

He then hands the crown of Aegon the Conqueror to Ser Criston. Daella looks forward to the people as her eyes fill with tears.

"The crown of the Conqueror, passed down through generations." The crown is then gently set upon Aegons head as she closes her eyes.

"Let the seven bear witness: Aegon Targaryen is the true heir to the Iron Throne." The Septon helps him to stand as Daellas eyes open.

She feels his eyes on hers, making her turn her head. She looks him in the eyes as she bows her head.

"All hail his grace, Aegon, Second of his Name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm."

The bell rings as Criston shouts, "Aegon the King!" Daella moves subconsciously closer toward Helaena, who welcomes her.

She felt tears as the small folk cheered for their usurper. She looked down at her rings as a tear fell from her eye. She blinked them away.

Her head raised, and she looked toward him seeing him raising a sword in the air. She looked back to the people realizing the sword was Blackfyre.

Her eyes widened as the ground began to shake. Something was bursting from the floorboards and sending rubble and debris everywhere.

She heard the noise of a dragon as she tried to look through the dust. She felt no fear at the moment as she saw the redness of the dragon.

She smiled upon the dust clearing as she saw Rhaenys looking at them. Her eyes filled with joy as she saw her savior.

"Open the doors!" Otto yelled, but the city watch attempted to close them.

Meleys steps closer as Daella moves in front of Helaena. The dragon roared at Alicent and Aegon as Daella watched.

Her face dropped as Meleys flew threw the doors. She knew then she would have her plan done and ready.


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