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In the early morning, she woke to Annalie bringing her some breakfast. "I thought you would like to eat here, Princess." Daella nodded her head as she sat up.

In front of her were some eggs along with porridge. There was some bread on the side and a cup of water. "I also bear bad news," Annalie said before Daella motioned her to sit.

"Former Commander Ser Harwin has died. As well, Lady Laena has died." Daella put down the piece of bread in her hand. "Could you leave me, please?"

Annalie nodded before patting the girl's hand and leaving. She felt her heartbeat speed up, and her eyes began to water as, on cue, in walked Helaena.

"Daella! What's wrong?" She asked as she rushed over, taking Daella's hand in hers. "It is okay. I'm here." Helaena said, brushing a hand through Daella's hair.

She felt calm as she looked into Helaena's eyes. "Thank you." She whispered as Helaena patted her back.

"My mother told me that Lady Laena and Ser Harwin have passed. Is that why?" She asked softly as Daella nodded. "I need my mother," Daella said as Helaena's thumb rubbed the back of her hand.

"I will call for the maid. My mother said we are leaving in an hour." Helaena explained before hurrying out of the room. In a minute, in walked Annalie.

"I will get your dress, but you must eat at least a piece of bread," Annalie tells her, making Daella giggle. She ate her piece of bread as she watched Annalie search her closet.

She picked one of the dresses before turning back to Daella. The dress was black with dark red swirls on the sleeves. As the maid dressed her, it went down to her feet.

The maid then pulled a black cape that had a red ruby holding it together. "Will my mother like it?" She asked quietly, looking at the color.

"Of course, it is your house colors, Princess," Annalie told her while brushing the girl's hair. She tied two braids together at the back the sent her on her way.

As she walked down the steps, she saw them all. King Viserys gave her a soft smile while Queen Alicent glanced at her disappointedly.

Helaena held her hand out as Aemond looked at his feet. She took Helaenas hand as they left the castle.

Daella smiled upon seeing her dragon Gaelithox. The dragon had golden scales with cream-colored markings under his neck and tail and white horns and spines.

His wings were red orange, with black tints along the bones. Along with green eyes that looked at her understandingly. The dragon was already taller than her, as if he had been growing daily.

She rushed over to him, dragging Helaena with her. "He is quite beautiful," Helaena told her in a whisper, petting the dragon's head.

"I know." She told her back, watching as the princess made her way to Dreamfyre. Dreamfyre was a beautiful dragon as well. She was pale blue with silver markings. She had silver crests and pale blue wings.

She watched as Helaena was saddled and then got onto Gaelithox. She pets his head before shouting, "Sōvēs Gaelithox! Sōvēs!"

She smiled as her dragon leaped into the air. Helaena soon joined Daella as The Queen didn't want Aegon to fly. He was drunk half of the time and wouldn't fly well.

Daella sighed sadly, feeling the wind in her hair. Knowing her, Aunt Laena would never feel this anymore. The dragons had landed before the ship docked.

"I'm going to find my mother." She told Helaena holding her hand out. Daella knew Helaena would come with her.

They shared a smile as Helaena took Daella's hand. They made their way into the courtyard of the castle on Driftmark.

"Dae!" She heard a small voice shout and smiled, seeing Luke run to her. "Luke. Where is mother?" She asked as he took her arm in his hands.

"Follow me." He told her, dragging them along with him. In the room was her family. She then noticed her father wasn't there.

"Where is father?" She asked her mother, who sighed, "He is outside waiting." She nodded as Helaena made her presence known.

"Oh, Hello sweet Helaena. How are you?" Rhaenyra asked with a soft smile. "I am doing well," Helaena told her sister before a knock was heard at the door.

"It's time," Rhaenyra told her children, rounding them up and out the door. As they made their way toward the water, she rushed to her father.

All she did was wrap her arms around him. He held her close as he tried to keep his composure.


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