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Late into the night, she opened her eyes upon hearing the door open. "Mother?" She whispered as her eyes tried to see in the darkness.

When she did not receive an answer, she attempted to push herself out of bed. "It is me." She heard Aegon say with his everyday slurred speech.

"Could you return to your chambers?" She asked him as she had finally successfully stood on her feet. Her hand still steadied her as it sat on the bed.

"My mother has nagged me. She scolded me for not being here." He explains to her as he walks to the cradle. From where she stands, he is in front of Aeny's.

He lets out a laugh and says, "They look like you. Like a strong." Daella's eyes darken as she pushes herself from the bed and toward her husband.

"At least they have my hair." He smirked as she pulled him back by his shoulder. She stood in front of the cradle, her back leaning on it.

"Leave my chambers this instant." Aegon smirks at her before saying, "You mean our chambers."

"Get out of my chambers before I call my guards." She demands him as she forces herself to stand taller. She feels her legs give out as he walks away from her and out of the door.

Her eyes widen as she hears the cries of her son. She pulls herself up and lifts him into her hands. Aemma, still asleep, is unfazed by the noise.

"You are safe. You needn't worry." She whispers to him, rocking him in her arms. She smiles as his cries cease. She set him back in his cradle and fell back into her bed.

She kept her eyes open that night, ensuring her husband had not returned. Her eyes blinked as the sun raised through her window.

"Princess, your brothers are here." She smiles tiredly as Annalie opens the door. Daella watches as her brothers enter, with guards carrying two pots behind them.

"We picked some eggs for you," Luke tells her excitedly as she pushes herself to sit up. "Thank you." She told them as the dragon eggs were placed into the cradles.

"You look tired. What has happened?" Jacaerys asked as he noticed the bags under her eyes. Luke sat on the side of the bed next to her. He put his face in front of hers as if to examine her.

"I am fine, truly." She assures them with a gentle smile. Luke moved next to her and laid his head on her shoulder. "If he did anything..."

Daella shook her head at her brother as the guards left the room. "I promise he has done nothing."

Just as Jace was to speak up, their mother walked in, followed by Annalie and another maid, Taria. They both carried trays with breakfast on them.

Rhaenyra smiled at her sons as she came to stand in front of the bed. "Go have some breakfast, my boys." She says softly as Luke groans.

"I know. You can see her after you have eaten." Rhaenyra explains to Luke, who gets off the bed and sluggishly makes his way to Jace.

They both smile as they watch the boys leave the room. Taria pushes a small table beside the bed for Rhaenyra, who nods.

Annalie gently sets the tray on Daellas lap with a gentle smile. "Could I speak freely?" Annalie asks as Taria leaves. Rhaenyra takes the seat beside her daughter's bed and nods.

"Of course. What is it you wish to say?" Daella looks to her maid as she picks up her spoon for her soup.

"I thought mayhaps Princess Daella could try to stand." Annalie suggests making Rhaenyra shake her head, "I do not believe she is ready. We shall try on the morrow."

Annalie bowed her head before leaving the room. Daella put the spoon to her lips before placing it back into the bowl. "Aegon came into my room last night."

Daella looked at her bowl as her mother's eyes widened, and she set her fork down. "What did he do?" She asked with concern on her face.

"He was drunk. He stood in front of them..." Daella trailed off, causing her mother to place her hand on her arm. "He said they looked strong."

She could feel her mother's internal rage as she removed her hand. "I protected them. I stood before him and demanded he leave."

She looked up at her mother, whose eyes were raged filled. "He left after I told him I would send guards." Daella let out a breath as her mother sighed.

"I will return for lunch. Do not worry anymore, my sweet girl." Rhaenyra told her as she stood and placed kisses do her daughter's head. "I will send Helaena."


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