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"The Fox And The Wolf"

"You only call me when there is an emergency, Casey, so what is going on... Great." Casey turned around to look at the guy, who had just walked into the room with a sword across his back and multiple pouches on his belt and at once when he saw him, Derek was growling loudly. "You didn't tell me, that there was a werewolf in the mix up, of all of this." He said and Derek was glaring at him with a low growl.

"Easy, you two." Casey stood in between them, in between the fox and the wolf. Derek looked at Casey, who raised her eyebrows and Derek's fangs disappeared. "Just for the record here, I didn't tell either of you that there was a fox or a wolf involved. If you two want to go at it, fine, but can you at least wait, until after, we find Stiles?" Casey asked and they looked at each other.

Derek relaxed as he backed up and then, he moved around the desk, to stand next to Casey. "Who the hell are you then?" Derek asked and the guy shrugged a little.

"You are the angry Hale werewolf then. That actually makes, a whole lot of sense as it were." Derek growled and Casey caught onto his arm, as he looked at her.

"He's trying to bait you, to trick you like a fox does. Kaneko, quit being an ass." Casey said and the kitsune shrugged. "I mean it." Casey's glare was enough to strike fear into even a kitsune apparently, who swiftly was nodding slightly.

"Yeah, whatever. So, who is this "Stiles" kid?" Kaneko asked as Casey was shaking her head.

"The son of Sheriff Stilinski. He is the one who has been now possessed, by the Nogitsune. Noshiko Yukimera is in town, along with her Oni. They have already marked a good many of their supernaturals in this town. Including Derek and for some reason..."

"You. But, why you?" Kaneko asked and Casey shrugged her shoulders at the words.

"I was hoping that you would be able to tell me that." Casey said as she was shaking her head. "You're the one who is almost 500 fucking years old, Kaneko." She reminded him and the kitsune shrugged a bit.

"Yeah, thanks for the reminder Branson." Kaneko replied and she glared at him. "There is a teenager, who is running around with a dark fox inside of him? A Nogitsune?" He asked and Casey nodded.

"Yeah." Casey said and Kaneko was shaking his head. "Will you help?" She asked.

"Do I have to work with the wolf?"

"Do I have to work with the potentially homicidal fox?" Derek asked and Casey looked between the two of them and she was shaking her head.

"I clearly didn't think this plan through enough. Kaneko, just get out for a minute." She said as Kaneko was shrugging as Casey shut the door after him.

"You brought a fox into this?" Derek asked at once and Casey looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Derek, we needs someone who knows the game. Kaneko, he is an ocean kitsune. He is also nearly 500 years old, he has seen things like this before." Casey pointed out and he was shaking his head.

"There is a fricking fox right now almost casually, just standing in your living room." Derek gestured at the door and Casey was shaking her head and he narrowed his eyes.

"Are you upset because I didn't tell you about this or are you upset, just because he's a fox and you're worried?" She asked and Derek muttered something grumpily under his breath. "Look, Beatrice knows him from her connections and I know him because he helped out me and occasionally, even my mother before she willingly locked herself in Eichen House. I wouldn't have called him, if I didn't think that I could trust him."

"I wish you had told me." Derek admitted and Casey moved her arms around him, and she rested her head on his arm. "So... Do you trust me enough, to tell me next time?" He asked and she nodded.

"I didn't tell you at first, I guess, just because I was afraid that you weren't even going to listen." She admitted as she sighed. "I'll tell you next time, but frankly Derek, I hope that there is never going to be a next time." Casey murmured and as he moved his arms around her, she inhaled sharply and he looked at her. "From the explosion earlier." She said softly and he looked at her, before he focused and she was feeling the pain going away. "Thanks."

"Yeah." Derek said softly and she looked at the doorway. "Is he listening right now?"

"Yeah." Came the blunt reply and Casey rolled her eyes, as she looked at Derek and he was shaking his head at the words and his eyes were flashing icy blue.

Casey opened the door and her phone, it buzzed. "Kaneko, they need you at the school. They are learning a story that you know well." Casey said.

"Oak Creek." Kaneko realized and Casey nodded. Kaneko took off and he hopped nimbly through the window a bit cockily as he jumped down from the roof.

"He is a real cocky bastard, now isn't he?" Derek asked and Casey nodded a little, as he looked at her.

"I know what you're thinking right now, Derek, but-" Casey's phone rang out and she raised her eyebrows. "We should all get to the Stilinski house to convene, now." She said, and she was reading the message off of her phone, and Derek nodded. "You're driving."

"Yup." Derek said as he held up his keys. Casey had a bag already loaded with different weapons and she even had a jacket full of them as Derek was driving. "Are you sure that you should even be fighting? After the bomb?" He asked as she was looking at him.

"Derek, I'm not going to stop fighting just because I'm injured. I can stop all this, when I'm dead." She said and he pulled over on the side of the road as she looked at him. "What?" She asked.

"You can stop all this when you're dead" do you understand how that sounds, to people who actually care about you?" Derek asked and Casey's eyes narrowed. "It sounds to be, like the words of a reckless human, who thinks that she's invincible."

"Try a hunter who knows her limitations." Casey replied and when she went to get out of the car, Derek's hand shot out to grab her wrist. "Der, let go of me." She said and he looked at her.

"No." Derek said and she looked at him. "You don't know your limitations and that, that is becoming more, way more than clear, every day that I have to watch you throw yourself back into a fight. You are reckless and it will get you killed one day."

"Then let's hope that when I do get killed one day, that you aren't in town then. Because if not, then all that I will be hearing before I take my final breaths are "you should have known better," "you were reckless," "you should have waited for someone else to handle it," good thing for it." She said and Derek didn't know what to say to that and swiftly, she pulled her hand away.

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