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Casey opened her eyes to see that the sun was up properly now and pouring into the room, as she blinked at the brightness of it.

Casey looked down carefully and she saw that a familiar pair of arms were around her, as she smiled. Casey was moving around to look at Derek, who opened his eyes to look at her. "You're finally awake." He said and she rolled her eyes.

"Well, good... Actually, what time is it?" Casey asked and Derek looked at the clock on the wall.

"8am." Derek said after looking at the clock and she shrugged at the words a bit and she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Good morning to you too. The movies, they always get it wrong. You werewolves, a lot of you rise right along with the sun." Casey murmured and she could feel Derek's laughter at the words.

"It is weird for me, to not have to worry about getting shot for being here when you get up." Derek admitted and Casey chuckled a bit and he looked at her. "You slept for longer than 3 hours." He said.

"Yeah." Casey said and a knock came on the door. "What?" Casey wasted no time, loudly hollering at whoever was knocking on her door and Derek, was very clearly biting back his laughter at the annoyed tone of her voice.

"Get your asses up! Both of you weirdos! I made breakfast. Get up and shower, you two stink of it!" Tye spoke through the door and Derek forgetting completely about keeping his laughter inside, started to laugh at the words from his little brother and Casey was shaking as well.

"Now, we just have to break it to Cora." Derek said and Casey scoffed and Derek opened his arms to let her out and Casey rolled over to her side of the bed.

Casey got up and went into the bathroom as the shower was running soon after the door had closed, and as per usual, she had locked it behind her.

Casey tied up her hair with a simple elastic as she went downstairs as she dug hungrily into the eggs, pancakes and bacon that Tye had made.

The very same young adult born werewolf, who was currently staring at her like she had gotten a facial tattoo or something.

"Okay, Tye, what is it?" She asked as she couldn't take the awkward silence anymore as she put the utensils down and she raised her eyebrows.

"You slept with my brother!" Tye sounded aghast and Casey looked at him with raised eyebrows. "My room is five feet away!" Tye complained.

"Derek, a little help with this?" Casey asked as she finished her food and by the time she had, Derek had come down and was minus his jacket, as he still had to wash the food off of it. "I'm gonna let your brother handle this one, because I have to go to work."

~~Hale Loft,

14 Hours Later~~

"So, what's the huge emergency? I was hoping to sleep after work, for everyone's information. So, what's going on now?" Casey asked as she had brought enough of her weapons and ammunition for them, to supply an entire full-sized unit of the army.

"Cora and Boyd found the Alphas." A spark lit up in Casey's eyes at once, as she put the bag of weapons down and she walked over to stand between Derek and Cora, looking at the maps of the building. "They are in the same building as the Argents. They did it on purpose, they must have."

Burn Amongst Humanity [D. Hale ]Where stories live. Discover now