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"Tye, I'm home!" Casey called out as she walked into her house, only to get the very silent reminder, that Tye was still off with Derek and Peter somewhere. "Right, you're not here anymore." Casey murmured softly to herself and she shuts the door behind her. "Great. Another day, alone, in an empty house." Casey murmured softly as she looked up quickly, at the knock on her door. Casey narrowed her eyes as she walked over to it as she opened it.

Beatrice Hale stood there in her school uniform and Casey raised her eyebrows at her. "Hey Beat, what's up?" She asked and Beatrice sighed.

"I need your help." The teenager admitted and Casey motioned for her to come in, as Beatrice walked right by her and into the room.

"Beat, what's the problem?" Casey asked as she shut the door after the teenager, who had clearly come right from school and Beatrice looked over at her. "I can't help if you don't talk to me." Casey gently reminded her.

"I haven't heard from Tye in over three days." Beatrice said and Casey looked at her, before she held out her hand as Beatrice was opening her cell phone and she handed it over.

Casey scrolled quickly back through the texts from Tye on Beatrice's phone until the day that they had left, as she compared it to her own texts. "Which is unusual because..."

"He never misses an opportunity to text us. Tye, he has to know better by now, than to leave us hanging. I don't think that he has ever, ever forgotten to text me." Beatrice stated and Casey nodded, as she tossed her phone over to her and Beatrice caught it. "What do we do about this-" Casey's phone suddenly rang out and Casey looked at Beatrice, who raised her eyebrows and Casey answered it.

"Casey Branson." Casey said.

"Hello Casey." Casey's eyes widened quickly to the size of a pair of smaller moons, when she heard Deucalion's voice on the other end. Casey tapped the speaker button and she held out her phone.

"Deucalion. How the hell did you manage to get this number?" Casey asked as Beatrice was listening in, on the background noises, that she could potentially pick up from Deucalion's end of the call.

"As I understand it, you are most likely terribly worried about a lack of communication in regards to Tye and the other Hales, is that correct? Is that why, you have Beatrice Hale listening in on this phone call along with you?" Beatrice winced at the words and she looked at Casey, who nodded.

"You aren't wrong. But why are you calling me? Do you have information that could be potentially helpful? If so, feel free to share it." Casey replied and Deucalion sighed.

"I can understand why the Hales seemed to gravitate toward you. It is true, that you have a fiery spark to your personality, a temper that is often is indeed, terrifying to behold by anyone. Despite your fear of fire, your personality is fiery in and of itself." Deucalion was messing with her and Beatrice snarled loudly.

"If you know something, just tell us already!" Beatrice practically roared into the phone, and, Deucalion softly chuckled.

"They were taken, when they crossed the border. I have hired a mercenary, Braeden, to find them. I understand, Casey, that Braeden is an old friend of yours. She has been on the case for days she was the one who gave me your phone number. I understand that the Calaveras have them." Deucalion's words hit Casey like a slug to the gut and she looked at the tattoo on her arm, the skull on a playing card. "Your maternal side of the hunting family."

"Thank you." Casey said and Deucalion sighed, as Casey stood up and she looked at Beatrice. "We need to go, but thank you Deucalion." She said.

"You are welcome, little hunter. I suggest that you hurry, as Freya is also going to come to help you." The line went dead.

Casey sighed and she put her phone into her pocket. "Watch the door." She said to Beatrice, who nodded as Casey went into the basement.

Casey spread out a wide array of weapons across the table and she was looking at them all. Casey grabbed the guns first and she swiftly loaded them as they went into holsters on her hips, a belt went around her waist with extra ammunition, extra guns were hidden in her jacket, which was quite overly large as usual.

Casey put knives into sheaths on her forearms, inner arms, up her sleeves, in her pant pockets, on either sides of her legs and inside of her jacket.

Casey also had a few smoke bombs that were not harmful to werewolves and she tucked them into her pockets, as Beatrice howled. Casey walked up the stairs and Beatrice looked at her a bit in surprise.

"I thought that you were a retired hunter?" Beatrice asked and Casey's eyes flashed with mischief.

"When the rest of the Hale family came back to town, my retirement was already over." Casey pointed out as she walked to the door and she was checking the hole, before she unlocks and opened the door.

Freya stood on the doorstep with glowing red eyes and Casey chuckled a bit. "A month ago, I would have been worried that those guns were the ones that were coming for me." Freya said and with a quick blink of her eyes, the red glow was gone as her brown eyes were back. "So, you know where we're going?"

"You ever been to Mexico?" Casey asked and Freya groaned under her breath at the realization, as she was putting the pieces together. "I am going either way to get them. You can come with me, or not, I don't really care. But I'm leaving now." She said.

"I'm coming." Beatrice said at once and Casey looked at her. "No-No, you aren't leaving me here alone!" The youngest Hale yelped and Casey was shaking her head at the words.

"Your alpha won't be looking for you?" Casey asked uncertainly and Beatrice pulled out her phone and she sent a message out and then, she was showing it to Casey. "Gone to Mexico to rescue my cousins and my dad, if one of you could say that I'm sick for school, thanks." Casey read and she looked at Beatrice, who tucked her phone into her pocket. "Seriously?"

"I'm coming with you. I won't let you leave without me." Beatrice said and a moment later, Casey sighed.

"Fine. Both of you, get your asses into the--" Casey sighed, remembering and cursing herself right now, at the sight of the Camaro. "Beatrice, you're in the back." Casey ordered and she got into the driver's seat.

Beatrice clambered over the passenger seat to get into the back, as Freya got into the passenger seat, and a couple of minutes later, they were on the road.

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