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"Lunar Eclipse"

"Do you believe in the supernatural world now, Sheriff?" Casey asked and Sheriff Stilinski looked at her.

"You always came to the station when we pulled you in as a witness in the cases of unexplainable things... You were always bleeding, limping, your head was down. Your father, he was... Not a wonderful human being, was he?" He asked and she shook her head.

"I got pregnant at sixteen and my father almost beat me to death." She murmured and Melissa looked at her and Casey shook her head. "My father,  when they first got together, he was apparently better. Then they had my older brother, who got away from us and went to live with my maternal grandmother. Which was when I was five years old and had been trained from the moment I could stand, to fight and survive against werewolves... I killed my first alpha when I was 14, and I got lucky." She admitted.

"Derek Hale is a werewolf, right? Is Tyler Hale, a werewolf, too?" Sheriff Stilinski asked and Casey nodded.

"He goes by Tye." Casey whispered with a small smirk and she nodded a bit. "But yeah, he is a werewolf too. So was Laura." Casey murmured softly.

~ Hale Loft, Hours Later ~

Freya stood in front of the desk with Ethan on her right, and, Lydia was on her left and Kali rather casually, just smashed the alarm off of the wall, but none of them flinched.

"Where is he?" Kali asked with a threatening growl in her tone and Lydia looked at her.

"I think that he said that he was headed out to do some shopping, to run a few errands. I mean just, the usual, werewolf, afternoon." Lydia said.

"Who do you think you're talking to?" Kali's tone of voice, it alone was dangerous and Freya's head slightly, it was tilted to the side as she was not at all unaware that her own mother, an alpha, currently was ignoring her.

"Freya's mother." Lydia said, and Kali's eyes flashed at the words, as she looked accusingly at her daughter, who only shrugged a little bit as Kali growled softly. "Who also, as I can see is someone who is in desperate need of a pedicure. I'd be happy to give you a referral."

"Is there anyone that you haven't told?" Kali growled at Freya, who had her arms crossed over her chest and as she looked at Kali, her eyes flashed icy blue.

"I have a question for you, Mom. So if you answer mine, I'll answer yours. If you wanted to be with Ennis, so fricking badly, then, why didn't you just kill me too?" Freya asked and Kali flinched, at the rather harshly worded question. "What? Too hard for you to answer for the big, bad alpha?" Freya asked as Kali growled loudly at her as Freya shrugged.

"Aiden, would you kill me if she ordered you to? If Deucalion, had been the one to order you to kill me would you have done it?" She asked and the other twin, he was just staring back at her.

Freya held his gaze and she waited patiently, until he slowly, very slowly, shook his head at the question. "I am beginning to think that you taught me a little too well about being a alpha here, Mom. It does seem like I have more support in the room, then you do, at the moment." When Kali stepped toward Lydia threateningly with both hands clawed and feet clawed as well, Freya was between, the strawberry-blonde Banshee and her mother at once.

Burn Amongst Humanity [D. Hale ]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon