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"Pressure Test"

Beatrice growled at the sight of Schrader sitting there casually with the electric baton in one hand and a machine remote, that was able to shock all four of the supernatural beings in front of him on the grate at the same time.

"I'm not-not gonna tell you anything." Jiang said to Schrader through gritted teeth, as the electric current had momentarily stopped for them.

"I don't really... have any questions." Schrader shocked the werewolf and Jiang snapped his fangs together, narrowly missing Schrader as the former orderly moved onto Tierny, who growled loudly at him. "I don't have any questions for you either."

"Good." Tierny growled defiantly right up until she felt the electricity coursing through her and then, she was screaming in pain.

Beatrice was watching it as she was shaking her head to clear it, as water droplets fell into her eyes. "Stop! Just stop." Jiang pleaded with Schrader.

"We're not afraid to die." Tierny spoke up before Schrader could do so and Schrader hummed briefly and he looked at them all.

"Does that go for the little Hale as well?" Beatrice looked up at the sadist from Eichen and she growled at him.

"Try it and find out." She said as he looked down at the electric baton in his hand, before he nodded.

Schrader picked up a blowtorch and Beatrice's eyes widened, as he ignited it and Beatrice growled at the sight of it. "There is a myth that says werewolves are afraid of fire. We should test that theory." Beatrice gritted her teeth together and the torch was pressed against her arm and she shouted in pain, as her fangs bared.

"She doesn't know anything!" The blowtorch was moved away and then Schrader looked at Theo, who had spoken up and Beatrice was shaking as her eyes burned with an icy blue fire. "No death. No pain. No fear. I'll tell you anything you want to know."

Theo grunted in pain at the electric shock and Beatrice was snarling over at Schrader. "I don't have any questions." Schrader reiterated.

"Okay. Maybe you have some unfinished business with these two losers. But we aren't with them. I don't know who they are or what they did or what their problem is. I'm not a part of it." Schrader flung a bucket of water over all four of them and Theo's growl was heard. "That wasn't friendly."

"Just do it!" Tierny growled and Schrader pushed the button, as all four of them roared in pain.

"How about you let me do the talking?" Theo snapped and Tierny snarled at him.

"He knows what he's talking about Tiern." Beatrice mumbled as she was looking down, as she saw that her clumsily stitched wound was already bleeding again.

"You obviously have us here for a reason." As soon as Theo finished his words, they were all shouting again in pain. "If you, if you tell me what you want..." Beatrice let out a terrible roar of pain and her eyes shone again and at the noise, Schrader grabbed for the blowtorch again.

"If you are trying to call for help little Hale, then, don't bother. No one can hear you." Schrader stated and Beatrice's eyes flashed, looking at something over Schrader's shoulder.

"You sure about that?" Beatrice asked and, there was a pair of glowing eyes, that was standing behind him. "That is the danger of taking a Beta."

"There is no danger in taking a Beta, you're bluffing." Schrader said and Beatrice shook her head.

Burn Amongst Humanity [D. Hale ]Where stories live. Discover now