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"Ice Pick"

"You got attacked and got a cracked rib, along with a wound and stitches in your head to defend my Beta. I'm keeping my eye on you, at least until I know that you're safe."


"I already told you, Derek, that I am just fine." Casey said as she was being practically marched down the stairs to the abandoned railway car by Derek, who had Talia and Tye already down there waiting for Derek and for Casey, unintentionally. "Seriously, Derek, I'm totally fine." She said as they were all quiet.

"You got beaten up by another hunter and then Isaac nearly finished the job. Besides, you have stitches in your head." Derek countered and Casey grumbled quickly at the good points that he made. "You know that I'm right." He said.

"I hate your super-hearing." Casey muttered quietly.

"I heard that." Derek said and Casey looked at him with an indignant look on her face. "Okay, I will stop. But I have another prospective Beta in mind." Derek said and Casey glanced at Tye, who was crossing his arms over his chest.

"Is that why Tye of all people now looked annoyed at you?" Casey asked and Derek glanced over at his little brother, who was glaring sharply at Derek. "Okay, who is it and why the hell, does Tye look so pissed off?" She asked.

"Erica Reyes. A sophomore from Beacon Hills High School, and also apparently, just one of the many that have been following him around for years." Derek said and Casey laughed a little.

"Just make sure you explain all of it. I can't keep lying to Sheriff Stilinski or when one of these days comes by again, I am going to get caught in a lie and I won't be able to back it up with anything else." Casey reminded him as Derek nodded. "So, exactly why am I here?" She asked.

"To make sure that Talia and Tye for once, don't rip Isaac and Erica when she does show up to here, limb from limb." Derek said as Casey nodded quickly. "Good." He said as Casey walked over to the railway car, as she was sitting on one of the seats.

Talia was training with Tye, who was slowing down his own movements to train with her as Casey watched the guy that she had come to think of as a little brother, training his niece and her daughter.

"Casey?" Casey looked over at Isaac speaking to her. "I just wanted to say that I really am sorry about what did happen the other night." Isaac said and Casey looked over at him.

"It was the full moon, Isaac, so don't even worry about it. Derek can teach you control and it won't happen again, hopefully." She said and shook her head. "Besides, Isaac, you actually saved my life the other night. I probably would have gotten shot, if not for your rather timely intervention." Casey said and she heard Tye growling. "Someone else is here." Casey said and she got up quickly, wincing at the speed.

"Erica Reyes." Tye remarked bluntly and rather a bit icily and he walked over to the new Beta and Derek, he quickly followed the new Beta werewolf down into the basement.

"You're Casey then." Erica said as Casey walked out from the railway car and Casey nodded slightly. "You must be the weakest one in here, I mean, you stink of being a human being." Erica said.

"Don't mistake me being a human representative in Derek's pack for being a complete weakness. I can beat Derek, when I'm not injured and sick." Casey noted and Erica scoffed.

"I will believe that shit, when I actually see it." Erica said and a low and dangerous growl was heard.

Casey raised her eyebrows as she looked over her shoulder at Tye, he whose claws were out as his fangs were forcing his mouth open and Tye growled again.

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