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"Night School"


"I swore that I would always protect you, Tye, which is what I am doing now. Stay here."



Casey was still shaking from the surprise and shock of seeing the alpha up close, but she was remembering her training and remembering to start compartmentalizing.

But, Tye, he was still in complete and utter shock after the sight of his older brother being thrown like a ragdoll into the wall. "Tye, look at me." Casey said and he looked up at her and in a response to his obvious distress and fear of losing his brother, his eyes were shining a familiar golden yellow and his fangs were growing, forcing his mouth open wider. "Tye, hey." Casey said and she was looking at him. "Stay calm, Tye, or the alpha has already won." Casey said softly and Tye looked at her.

"How are you so calm?" Tye asked quietly and his voice was shaky, as he was nearly sobbing and now, his tears were making tracks down his face. "I just saw my brother, your best friend and the only person that you've ever told the weightiest secrets to, thrown across the school like a ragdoll!" Tye growled and Casey looked at him.

"I was trained from age 5 to compartmentalize my emotions, to push them away and down, in heavy times of high stress and to focus on a single goal or two and, right now, that is to make it out of here alive along with you, Scott, and Stiles as well. I am armed and so are you. You have your abilities, I have my weapons that I created and fixed up with no delay. Tye, what the hell is our goal?" Casey asked.

"To survive." Tye said and Casey looked at him, nodding slightly and Tye sighed. "To survive. To survive, to get ourselves out of here. Alive." Tye repeated.

"Exactly. Now, get the hell up." Casey ordered and Tye's eyes returned silently back to the normal earthy brown eyes that he shared with Derek, and the rest of the Hales. "Come on." She said as she stood up and so did Tye.

Scott and Stiles had watched the conversation, until they had found that Casey's and Stiles' car batteries had been flung through the window of the classroom. "Oh, nobody ever screws with my damn car." Casey snarled sharply at the sight of the battery, now sounding as if for a second, she was a newly bitten wolf for a second there.

Tye helped Scott quickly shove the desk in front of the boiler room door and just when they thought that they had the alpha trapped and Stiles was bragging, all about his plan to trap it, the alpha was getting out through the ceiling.

"Never brag about it, until you know that it worked for good, Stilinski!" Tye shouted and as the alpha came crashing down through the ceiling in behind their group that now included Lydia, Jackson and Allison he shouted at them to go. "Go!" Tye shouted at the group of sophomores as Casey yanked out her guns and she fired repeatedly at the alpha.

"Go, go, run!" Casey shouted as the teenagers took off and Casey was glad to see that the alpha was slowing a bit if only, even slightly, and Casey was running after the teenagers. "Keep going!" She shouted.

Casey groaned audibly at the moment in annoyance at the sight of quite literally all of their chairs, tables and stuff in front of the door. "Anyone have any other bright ideas? Considering we have a massive problem here?!" She snapped sharply.

"Okay, nice work. Really beautiful job, everyone. Now, what exactly should we do about the 20-foot wall of windows?"

"Shit." Casey agreed at once with Stiles on the windows, and then she stopped. "Hey, where the hell is Tye?" She asked.

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