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"Letharia Vulpina"

|Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital|

Kira and Casey hit the deck hard as the broken electrical wire, it whipped along the rooftop until it nearly took them down. Casey dialed the number that she knew as well as her own and she held it up to her ear.

"Come on, come on." She said quietly.

"We're okay. We were on the roof when it happened, but we got out of the way before it hit us. Are you two okay?" Derek asked and Casey looked at Kira, who was now diving behind Derek's car.

"We're not dead yet. But the wire is still live." Casey said as she joined Kira behind the car. Only to see that Kira had managed to contain the wire, as Casey managed to quickly get around the water.

Derek and Scott were watching Kira and Casey followed them, as she was standing between them now. "Wait, guys, is that Isaac?" Casey asked and at the words, Derek's eyes widened.

Once they were sure that the wire wasn't live anymore, that Kira had absorbed the electricity from it, Derek had run into the water to get Isaac.

"I guess that we all know what kitsune type, that she is now. Thunder kitsune, is the obvious answer." Casey said as she ran quickly forward just to help Derek with Isaac. They got him into the ICU and Casey looked over at Derek, as she was shaking her head.

"There isn't anything that we can do for him, is there?" Derek asked as she looked at him with pain in her eyes as she shook her head. "I didn't think so."

"They won't let us see him, we aren't family." Casey murmured and he was looking at her. "I might-might be able to get someone in." Casey murmured softly and Derek's hands shook. Casey reached out, as she grabbed one of his hands in his. "I know, exactly, what you are thinking right now Derek and you couldn't possibly have known."

Derek looked over at her. "You're driving." Derek said and he handed the keys to her. Casey took them and she walked around the pool of water, right to the car.

|Two Days Later,

Beacon Hills Sheriff Station|

"What the hell is going on here right now?" Casey asked as she saw that the unlikely duo of Argent and Derek, the two of them were both cuffed to the benches in the middle of the station.

Casey was one of the deputies left behind in the Sheriff's station, as she was itching to be out, looking after the kids at the school.

Then suddenly, the entire Sheriff's station was in chaos and Casey was sending deputies out of the station in droves. "Everyone out now! Go!" She ordered and they listened, as she was shaking her head.

"Get down!" She heard along with the rest, clearly over the chaos of the rest of the station, Derek's voice tearing through the air as Casey grabbed one of the other deputies and she was able to throw her behind the desk.

Casey got hit with the blast and she went down hard, covering her head as she fell.

Derek had tackled Argent and Casey was half hidden behind the desk and she was breathing heavily, trying to keep her heartbeat down as she knew that she had glass in her, and she was shaking her head. "Branson!" Sheriff Stilinski shouted and he was trying to support her, as she was shuddering as she knew that there was at least six or seven wounds. "Casey, stay awake."

"I-I have been through worse than this." Casey whispered and her eyes were open wide, as she stared at him and she was shaking her head. "Derek and Argent." She said as he looked at her.

"We're okay." Derek offered and both he and Argent were coming over to do their best to help. Derek, he was taking Casey's pain away and Chris was helping with wounds on some of the officers that weren't already dead.

"I-I got most of them out. I tried to-to get most of them out." Casey said and Sheriff Stilinski nodded.

"You did good, kid. You still got most of them out." Sheriff Stilinski murmured and Casey was looking at him.

"Then, why do we have seven deputies dead and almost five others injured? Four of the other deputies injured and then me. That doesn't really seem like I did too good." Casey whispered, as the deputy that she had thrown to the ground, right before the bomb had gone off she was stumbling over to them.

"Thank you, Branson. Casey, thank you." She said and Casey nodded a bit at the words, as the deputy looked like she would have given her a hug, if not for the terrible condition.

"No big deal." Casey murmured and she was shaking her head, as she was one of the last ones to get helped into an ambulance, by her own insistence.

"You are way too stubborn for your own good." Derek murmured and she chuckled quietly.

"No shit." Casey muttered and she finally got into an ambulance, as she was being driven to the hospital with the rest of the injured.

Casey saw that Tye was already waiting for her, as he ran over to her and Casey grunted. "He's okay! He is okay, he just looks like him!" Casey said as the other deputies, that had provided them an escort, they had all very briefly just mistaken Tye, for a younger-looking Derek Hale. "You're okay." Casey said and Tye nodded at the words.

"What about Derek and Argent?" Tye asked and, Casey was nodding a little bit.

"Derek was healing last I saw from him, Argent had been shielded by the quick actions of Derek... They will both be fine most likely barring a very disturbing situation, but Derek, he will probably need a new jacket." She said and Tye nodded, and he took her pain when they were just out of view from others.

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