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"The Dark Moon"

Casey had left Beacon Hills not too long after Derek had disappeared out of the loft in the middle of the dead of the night without any warning for her or anyone else.

Then she had woken up in the loft on her own surrounded by some of  them unconscious and some of them just dead, hunters who used bullets that were stamped with a skull.

Bullets that were stamped with the sign of her maternal hunting family, the Calaveras. The hunting family who believes the code to be as good as the law.

Which was how Casey found herself working with them again, working for and with her grandmother, Araya, in order to figure out, where exactly it was that Derek was.

"Casey?!" Casey turned around from where she was sharpening one of her knives, she turned around to look dead straight at Stiles Stilinski, who was looking at her like she was not a real human. "Casey, what the hell are you doing here?" Stiles asked bluntly.

Casey typed something into her cell-phone and she glanced at him, as she pressed "enter" and Stiles looked a bit confused. "The same reason you are, Stiles. Except I know better than to try to threaten the Calaveras. I should hope that I do, considering since... I am actually one of them." Stiles' eyes were widening at the words. "Araya is my maternal grandmother." Casey typed in and Stiles' jaw dropped.

"I thought that you guys looked very similar." Stiles replied as Casey looked over at Lydia, who was watching her.

"Severo hates this music. But, I have always loved the music of the youth. This kind, especially-- It has a savage energy." The senior huntress noted as now, she was undoing some stitches with a very small and curved blade.

"We're here for Derek Hale." Lydia bluntly spoke up and Casey looked at her, as she began to sign in ASL.

"Do you really think that I would still be here, if they had Derek?" Casey was watching Lydia for a reaction and she looked at her.

"You would be, if they threatened to hurt him." Stiles pointed out after he had asked Lydia what she had said to them and Casey stared daggers at him at the words.

"Is that so?" Araya asked with an amused tone and Casey was shaking her head at them, as she was looking at one of the stamped bullets and she sighed quietly.

"We know you have him. We have heard that you can be bought." She nodded at Stiles, who took the money out of his pockets and, he was putting it onto the table.

"That is a real 50,000 US dollars for Derek." Stiles noted and Casey looked at him, before she was looking over to her grandmother.

"Now where does a teenage boy get money like this? Japanese mafia? It was not smart for you to come alone." At the looks on their faces, Casey knew that the information was fully correct.

"What makes you think that we even came alone?" Stiles asked and Casey raised her eyebrows, yanking out her own guns and pointing them at two of the hunters, staring them down in a silent fury.

"You brought a wolf into my home?" Araya questioned sharply and Stiles scoffed, leaning back in his chair as he looked at her.

Burn Amongst Humanity [D. Hale ]Where stories live. Discover now