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Casey walked into the Sheriff station and she was followed by Beatrice who  was quietly looking around the station. "I have never even heard this place so, damn quiet." She whispered.

Beatrice looked at Casey, who was silently nodding in agreement. "Casey can help you three find the rift, I will stay here." Beatrice murmured very quietly and Casey nodded.

"Let's go." Casey said as her, Scott, Malia and Lydia were walking away from the Sheriff's station and they were going toward the Beacon Hills Preserve.


Casey brought up the rear as they went underground and Malia had run headfirst into the rift, as Casey dodged her as Malia was flung backward.

"We found the rift."

Beatrice: "Good. Theo has information, but he isn't really so keen on sharing it."

"He would probably tell you on your own. Is it really true that he broke the barrier to save your lives?"

Beatrice: "Douglas was going to claw out my lungs Casey, he was definitely willing to tear me in two."

"Okay. Just try to talk to him, even if they don't listen." Casey finished and she put her phone away, as she looked around the area.

||Sheriff's Station||

Beatrice was pacing as she was thinking, swiftly running all sorts of scenarios through her head and then dismissing them, just as fast. "The wheels are spinning inside of your head, Beat, I can see it." Theo pointed out to her as Beatrice was shaking her head.

"Yeah. Spinning and constantly getting pebbles stuck in them. For every good idea, there is at least forty that are completely terrible ones." She said and shook her head.

"Can werewolves have ADHD?" Theo asked and at the words, Beatrice was glancing over at him as she nodded a bit. "You ever get tested?" He asked as she nodded.

"Yup. But no medications worked for me, my metabolism and my healing at the medications in my system, they worked too well for once." She said as she continued to pace.

"Beatrice, come over and think with us!" Hayden called out as she was walking over and Beatrice was shaking her head.

"Wait, someone in Beacon Hills already figured out how to fight them on even ground. We don't need to know about Ghost Riders, we need to know about the one that knows how to fight them." Beatrice put the pieces together and she growled a little. "But that means that you want something."

Theo was smirking slightly and Beatrice was shrugging. "Who is the best negotiator that we've got?" She had to ask and Mason was nominated unanimously.

"That's never going to happen. We aren't makin' that deal." Mason said as Beatrice was still pacing. "Would you please stop pacing!" Mason said sharply and Beatrice looked at him.

"Would you care to stop, trying to think up deals that aren't going to be enough to get him to talk?" Beatrice shot back and Mason glared at her, as she growled low in her throat and he took a step back. "Look, we don't have a say in this. But, we need what Theo knows." She pointed out.

Burn Amongst Humanity [D. Hale ]Where stories live. Discover now