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Casey woke up crying out from a nightmare and she heard footsteps running up into the room and she was rocking back and forth, sobbing as she had her head between her hands.

"Casey. Casey, you just need to breathe." She heard Derek and she clenched her eyes shut.

"It burned." Casey whispered and he moved his arms around her as Casey was shuddering.

"Hey, just breathe Casey." Derek murmured and she looked up at him and he was shaking his head. "Were you back in the fire?" He asked and she nodded, shuddering with fear and tears ran down her face. "There's no fire." Derek murmured and she was nodding.

"I know. I know." Casey murmured quietly and she wiped at her eyes and she heard a growl from the basement.

"Tye's awake again." Derek muttered and Casey glanced at him with a clear question in her eyes. "You were asleep for three hours and in that time, Tye has woken up two times and I've had to knock him out twice since the first wake-up." He answered as Casey was nodding at the words. "You want to see him?" He asked and she rolled over to the other side of the bed to get up, retrieving the baton from the floor and Casey swiftly followed Derek, out of the room.

Derek had left the basement door open and he went down first, as the house shook and Casey's hand shot out and grabbed his, as she was still shaking and very jumpy, from the nightmare. Derek looked at her and blinked as his eyes glowed red as she continued to follow him.

Tye was snarling, yanking at the chains that were bolted into the floor and he roared at the sight of Casey, as she was half-hidden behind Derek. "I have never seen him like this." Casey murmured softly and she stepped out from behind Derek, looking at Tye as he roared at her, lunging forward and the chains yanked him back bolted by rings into the floor.

Casey put the baton into the holster on her hip and she looked at Tye, as he was snarling at her. "I know you're upset, T, but you have to snap out of it now. If you don't, you won't be able to turn back." Casey reminded him and he snarled and lunged at her.

Derek yanked Casey backwards just in time and Tye's claws nearly got her and Casey was shaking. "Thanks." She said and he nodded.

"He's losing it. We might have to kill him." Derek murmured and she was looking down at the floor and he was looking over at Tye again.

Casey bolted up the stairs and Derek sighed, swiftly knocking Tye out once again and he followed Casey. "Look, I don't want to kill him, but his human side is buried under so bunch of his rage, that we honestly... might not even have a choice." Derek said and she looked at him.

Casey looked at the basement door and she spun around, punching the wall hard with a hoarse shout.

Derek's eyes widened at the action and Casey looked at her fist and when she looked at it, the skin on her knuckles was broken, as she was opening and closing her hand to make sure that it wasn't broken.

"Are you okay?" Derek asked and she looked at him, shakin' her head as she put her hand into her pocket.

"I got him out of the fire, I got him through the rest of his schooling, I kept him out of the way of the other hunters, I helped him get over his fear of fire- I can't..." Casey's eyes were filling up again, as she shook her head. "God damn it." She said and Derek was crying too, a rare sight for anyone to see. "I can't kill him, Derek." She said with a choked tone and Derek nodded.

Burn Amongst Humanity [D. Hale ]Where stories live. Discover now