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"Lie Ability"

||Operating Theatre||

"Hello Deucalion." Beatrice said and she walked into the operating theater and he moved his head around, so that he was able to look in her general direction.

"Little Beatrice Hale. My dear, I would have thought that you were meant to be helping Theo with his plan at Eichen House." Deucalion noted and Beatrice was shrugging.

"I wanted to come around here first and see how they were treating you. I can see that you will be fine... Is that the Kanima venom from Tracy, now working?" Beatrice asked as Deucalion sighed. "Hayden has already left, so... you must have convinced her to do something rash and impulsive." She said as Deucalion sighed again.

"I convinced her to be more worried about her ability to lie, than to be worried about how Theo thinks of her as a liability, when it comes to Liam Dunbar." Deucalion explained as Beatrice crouched down in front of him. "I hear from certain sources that you are also now, a genetic Chimera. Part werewolf and part coyote, is that true?" He asked.

"Yes, it is." Beatrice said and Deucalion softly chuckled at the words. "I have a question for you, Deucalion, if you are willing to help me by answering it." She said and he smiled softly at the words.

"What is your one ever-so important question for me little Hale?" Deucalion asked as Beatrice looked into his eyes, the blind eyes that were prone to glowing red if he should need to see anything at all for a fight or otherwise.

"Can a born werewolf who has been changed by science, can she be bitten again? To become a full werewolf like she used to be?" Beatrice asked honestly and he looked over at her as he smiled.

"I will have to just think, on that one for now, little wolf. But there is a potentially much easier solution to work with, which only requires two things." Beatrice looked over at Deucalion with interest as he nodded slightly. "The talons of the one who nearly killed your wolf in the first place and, the Beast of Gevaudan."

"Absorb the Beast's power and lock my coyote side back? Back, where it had been hidden and then locked away in me again?" Beatrice asked and Deucalion nodded. "But how?"

"I will think on it more. But right now, in the meantime, I do believe that you have a meeting, at Eichen House." Deucalion noted as Beatrice nodded and she looked at the device on his arm. "Don't worry about me, go and help the others." He said and she sighed.

"Thank you, Duke." She said and he nodded swiftly while Beatrice, swiftly took off running.

Beatrice luckily managed to dive through the doors of Eichen House before the lockdown went into effect and she followed the smell of burning to see, that Jordan Parrish was once again now in his hellhound form and she was able to follow the path, he'd left behind to get through the ash that had been built into the place.

Casey was firing bullets, wolfsbane and otherwise at the various chimeras from behind the hellhound and Theo had been injured by the trepidation tool, to the back of his leg.

Beatrice roared, lunging past all of them to run for Valack, who now had Lydia in his grasp. Valack stabbed her with the drill and Beatrice shouted in pain, as she dropped onto the ground as her hand was covering the stomach wound.

Beatrice scrambled to avoid Corey who had been thrown down the hall by Parrish, as Theo flung a pipe and it had stabbed into Parrish, directly through him and Casey's eyes were widening.

Casey ran to Beatrice, who accepted the hand up and she was shaking her head a bit. "Stiles, move!" Beatrice was snapping and she kicked the door open. Theo had caught up as Stiles and Beatrice moved to lead the way, until Beatrice couldn't move further.

"Mountain Ash." Casey said and Beatrice, she nodded. Beatrice was shaking her head as she backed away from the spot where she was forced to stop.

"I can't go any further than this. You guys have to keep goin'." Beatrice said and she nodded. "Go!" She shouted at them and they all took off running.

Just as soon as Jordan had swiftly walked by her and had managed to burn the mountain ash clear out of the walls, Beatrice was running after him and they had gotten into the rest of the tunnels.

Beatrice roared down the tunnels as Theo's howl echoed in response as she took off running, after locating the source of the sound.

Beatrice threw herself into the door and now it was dented from the force of the hit, but it wasn't open yet.

Then suddenly, Lydia's scream tore through the area as everyone's hands were clamped over their ears.

Beatrice's ears were bleeding from the noise and Casey looked at her, as the chimera's eyes glowed.

"I'm fine." She said and finally between her and Theo, they managed to get the door open.

Beatrice was shaking her head as Stiles and Casey were helping Lydia, while Beatrice ran after them and she left Theo alone to help them.

Beatrice, Stiles and Casey were thrown back by Parrish, as he was able to stop Lydia's scream, just by absorbing it with his hellhound side ability. "B, you all right?" Casey asked and Beatrice looked at her, before she nodded.

"Yeah, I'm good." Beatrice said and Casey led the way to the gate along with Liam and Beatrice, as between Liam and Beatrice, they pulled it open.

They had almost gotten into the Jeep and Casey's SUV, before Tracy caught up to them. Natalie Martin had electrocuted her and Casey got her keys from Kira, as she was driving herself, Beatrice and Liam home.

Beatrice looked at Casey, who pulled into the parking lot and Casey looked at her. "What's the look for?" Casey asked and Beatrice sighed.

"I know what side I'm on now." She said quietly and Casey nodded a bit at the words. "You're not mad at me, are you?" She asked and Casey scoffed at the words.

"You're just a teenager, who is only trying to figure out where she belongs at the moment. You have had your life turned completely upside-down in the past week or so, you have another set of genes in you, now. I'm shocked that you haven't gone completely insane. I am not angry." Casey signed and she hugged Beatrice, who swiftly was now returning the hug.

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