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"The Girl Who Knew Too Much"

Casey was sitting on the edge of her bed and she screeched at the sight of a shadow in her room and she rolled over and grabbed her gun, spinning around and pointing it at the shape in the corner.

"Could you stand to not scream when I'm in the room for once? It hurts, since my ears are about fifty times more sensitive than yours are. At the very, very least." Casey lowered the gun at the sight of Tye standing there as she flicked the safety on. Casey put the gun down on the bedside table and she looked at him.

"What is it, Tye? Why are you in my room right now, instead of being right in yours?" Casey asked and she looked at him, walking quickly over to where he was standing, in the corner. "What is going on?" She asked.

"I think that Derek is... Look, he's hiding something but I don't want to jump to conclusions about what it is that he is hiding from us, until I know exactly what it is, for sure for you. I-I don't know what it is." Tye stumbled, as the words tripped in his mouth as he was having trouble with his own words and Casey sighed.

"Tye. Breathe, slow down, and just relax. Tell me your theory." Casey said and she rested a hand on his shoulder and Tye looked at her.

"That English teacher from the High School, Miss Blake? I think that Derek is still seeing her." Tye explained the theory that he had to Casey, just as best and as calmly as he could and she looked at him.

"Why would you think that?" Casey asked softly and Tye looked at her, as he nodded. "Tye, have you seen something?" She asked.

"I was over at Derek's, as you know, before the Alphas killed Boyd. I noticed that the bed was a mess and I joked a bit, mentioning that he must have had an active night. I didn't really think much of it then, but his heartbeat... It went up and skipped a few beats, like he was surprised or worried, about the fact that I had even noticed it." Tye said and she looked at him.

"We were here, before that. Before I had gone out to help with the ten-car pileup, he was here. Then-Then I left the window open for him to leave. He didn't pick up his phone, Tye, are you sure?" Casey asked as silently, he was looking at her. "Tye?" She questioned.

"Has he been around?" Tye asked and Casey sighed softly, just glancing over at the windowsill. "When?" He asked.

"I'm assuming that he had been waiting for a bit of time, a while at least. Derek and I talked for a few hours about Paige, before he left. I thought that he was just going home to the loft, but..." Casey shrugged and Tye sighed.

"Derek might head to the school tomorrow to see her on her lunch break between classes. I can follow him..." Casey's cell phone rang out suddenly and she looked at him, as she held up a finger.

"Branson." Casey said and her face changed suddenly. "Okay, I'm on my way." Casey said and she hung up the phone and she was grabbing her gun real quickly, as she searched for her badge.

"Casey, what's going on?" Tye asked and he held out her badge to her, as Casey looked at him.

"I have to get to the high school. A body was found... It was Deputy Tara Graeme." Casey said and he looked at her.

"She used to help me with my homework." Tye whispered and Casey's eyes flashed and she rested her hand on his shoulder. "You have to interview people. Go." Tye said and she took off.

Only a few hours later, Casey was finally leaving the school and she was stopping short, when she saw what Tye was looking at.

There was Jennifer Blake and Derek together, Tye had been right about the two, the whole time and Casey, she was shaking her head at the sight.

"Come on T, let's go. I will just drop you off at home, I have to get to the station." Casey said and she walked right by the two.

Tye followed her quickly without hesitation and Derek saw them go by quickly, as he also heard the very low growl from Tye. Casey heard footsteps following her and she looked ahead at Tye as he growled at Derek who stood behind Casey.

"Get in the car, Tye." It was an order that Casey hardly ever gave, but, Tye obeyed it in a mostly silent manner, except for another growl. "You could have honestly, just said that there was someone else, Derek. That is, all that I would have needed to know." She said and he looked at her.

"I was going to tell you, it was never my intention to not tell you." Derek's voice was painful as she silently was looking over at him.

"I should not, have had to find out information from your little brother that you should have told me. You, not him. For all this time that I have been Tye's guardian, the one thing that he has never done was lie to me. I never lied to him either, which, has helped us trust one another. You still haven't learned that, apparently." Casey said as she turned and silently, she got into the car.

Casey drove off and she swiftly dropped Tye off in front of the house and she looked at him. "I left my bedroom window open. Are you going to the recital?" She asked and Tye was nodding. "I'm going to go as well." She said and he nodded. "Be careful, kid, I can't lose you. Please." Casey said and he nodded.

"Back at you. I need you, Casey, more than you probably think. You were my family for almost 8 years, when I thought that I had nobody left. Don't get yourself taken." Tye whispered as he looked at her and Casey, she was at the words, nodding immediately.

"I'll be careful." Casey whispered softly and he got out of the car, as she drove back to the station.

When she got off work, she immediately went to the recital and she saw that Tye was already there.

He clenched his hands over his ears and Casey ran to him. "What-what is it? Tye?!" She yelled and he looked at her and his hands moved away from his ears.

"Lydia. Lydia's a Banshee." Tye whispered and he ran into the school right along with Casey, and, they took off toward the source of the noise.

Casey flung a knife hard at Jennifer Blake, as Sheriff Stilinski had gone to the floor with a knife in his shoulder.

"Sheriff! Get out, go!" Casey shouted loudly at him as Scott and Tye lunged for Jennifer, while Casey grabbed for her guns as the two Betas went down.

Casey fired repeatedly at Jennifer Blake, who was healing from every wound. "Sheriff, go!" Casey yelled and Sheriff Stilinski was leaving as he was backing away and he went for the door but it slammed shut.

Casey was grabbed by the throat as Jennifer scoffed, yanking the guns out of her hands and crushing them along with the bullets, as Casey looked at her and Jennifer scoffed. "I am not afraid of you." Casey choked out the words and Jennifer sighed.

"No, you're not. But you are always, always afraid of somethin' right? Like losing... Tye or Derek as it were, just for example?" Jennifer asked and Casey looked at Tye, whose eyes shone as he was draggin' himself painfully off of the floor. "From the moment I came into your lives, as the "scared and terrified teacher" on the full moon, you lost Derek. I guess that means..." Jennifer loosened her grip only slightly, as she looked at the triskelion necklace, and she scoffed. With a single tug, it broke and Jennifer held it in her hand. "You don't need this anymore now, do you?" Jennifer flung it to the side.

"Let her go!" Tye roared and he lunged for Jennifer, but he stood no chance and he went crashing down hard into the blackboard. "Casey!" He shouted as his voice rang with pain as she looked at him.

"Survive." Casey said and he looked over at her with terror and pain in his eyes. "Survive." Casey said and Jennifer broke the window, dragging Casey out with her. Right along with Sheriff Stilinski, who had been almost killed by the instant hit.

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