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"Thank you for helping him."

"Somebody had to."


While Tye was going to school and just pretending that everything was normal, Derek was getting heartily sick of just sitting around in Casey's room. "Look I can't let you out of the house, okay? I'm sorry, but if they find out that you're in my house..."

"You get arrested, I get arrested and everything goes to shit. I know." Derek murmured quietly and Casey held out a cup of coffee to him. "Thanks." He said and took it.

"Hey, remind me what it means again?" Casey asked and she nodded at the triskelion charm, that she held in her hand and Derek smiled a bit.

"Alpha, Beta, Omega." Derek answered and he looked at it with a smile. "You are trying to distract me from the boring reality." He noted.

"Is it working?" Casey asked.

"It was until you asked." Derek murmured and Casey silently stared at him for a moment, before she was standing up and then, quickly going to get something. "What is that?" Derek asked and Casey had come back with a book. "Oh, no. We are not going to look at our junior year yearbook." He said.

"Oh yes, we are." Casey said with a smile and Derek sighed with a shrug as she sat down next to him on another chair, as she opened it and she started to laugh at once. "Look at Laura's face." Casey said and Derek's eyes were sparkling and he laughed a little.

"She looked like somebody just fed her an entire lemon." Derek remarked and Casey smiled a little and it hurt to laugh, which Derek noticed.

Derek reached out a hand and he rested it on Casey's lower abdomen and he took a deep breath and now, his veins were turning black. "Thanks Der." Casey murmured quietly.

"Considering I dealt you the injury in the first place, it seemed like I should do something to help." Derek said and he looked at her as Casey's hands were shaking. "Case, what's wrong?"

"You-you looked dead. There was blood, spurting out of your mouth. By the position of his claws, he severed your spine. How the hell are you still alive?" Casey asked and she took a shuddering deep breath, as she was moving her hands up to hold her head. "How are you still here?" She asked shakily.

"I'm a werewolf." Derek answered with the simple answer and she was shuddering, and he moved his arms around her. "Casey, hey, look at me."

Casey had her eyes shut tightly and she continued to hold her head in her hands, as Derek looked at her. Before he took one of her hands and he was moving it to rest over his heart, as she felt it beating.

"I'm still here. This hasn't stopped beating yet, okay? You don't have to worry about me right now, Casey." He said and Casey moved her hand away and she rested her head against his chest and he held her hand in his.

"Scott is in a bad place for the full moon, tonight." Casey whispered and Derek sighed, he nodded at the words.

"You have any normal bullets that won't kill him, but, they will just hurt like a bitch?" Derek asked and Casey's nod was clear. "Will Tye be okay?"

"Tye has an anchor. I'm pretty sure that it is either you or Beatrice." Casey murmured and Derek looked at her. "I only had problems with him for the first two full moons after the fire and then he found an anchor and... he got his wolf under control." She said.

"Tye is smart and careful, he knows better than to go out on a full moon, right?" Derek asked and Casey nodded slightly.

"Yeah, he should." Casey murmured and then suddenly, a loud roar echoed through Beacon Hills and was coming from the woods. "Was that--"

"Scott." Derek said and the two of them took off, and Casey drove her car quickly now and she still had her weapons inside of the car from a few days before. "Open the sunroof."

"Are you crazy?" Casey asked incredulously and Derek looked at her as she drove. Casey nearly lost control of the car, when she saw that his face had transformed. "Fine!" She said and hit the button.

Derek leapt off of the car roof and plowed into Scott and the two of them went flying out, into the woods. Casey hit the brakes and jumped out of the car, not even bothering to lock it up and she ran after them.

Casey grabbed a knife out of one of her forearm sheaths, but she didn't need it as Derek had managed to toss Scott around, until he had come back to his senses. Casey put the knife away as she ran down the hill to stand next to them as she was shaking her head. "Derek, you need to get off the streets and out of sight, now." She said and he nodded slightly. "I'll pull the car around to the other side of the woods." She said and she raced back up the hill.

After meeting up with them again on the other side of the woods, Casey was waiting in the car and Derek jumped back out of the window and he got in. "Dare I even ask?" Casey muttered.

"I told Scott... that I would help him kill the alpha, but, only if he helped me find him." Derek murmured.

"You have no real intention of honoring that, do you?" Casey asked softly and Derek looked at her and his eyes were shining icy blue.

"This alpha, whoever he is, he killed Laura. I can't let him get away with it and if he is after Tye or if he is after you, then I have to kill him." Derek said and she glanced at him. "What?"

"You're still worried about me." She noted and Derek nodded a little. "I'm human, but that doesn't mean that I can't defend myself." Casey reminded him.

"You're a human, Casey, which is exactly the problem! You are in the middle of this and you refuse to leave it. You are going to die, if you keep on like this." Derek said and Casey looked at him.

"I'll die when I'm damn good and ready, Derek. I could die on any one of my assignments from the Sheriff... every day. I am not-not afraid to die, Derek." She said and Derek looked at her.

"Are you afraid of being a werewolf?"

"What you are really asking me, is if I would accept the Bite, if you offered it to me." She pointed out.

"Fine. Would you?" Derek asked and Casey blinked, as she stared at him for a second.

"Not, not unless there was no other way to survive." Casey admitted and he nodded a little. "So, yeah, maybe I am a little afraid of the Bite." She said quietly.

Burn Amongst Humanity [D. Hale ]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon