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||McCall House||

"You know all about the Ghost Riders. How do we get Stiles and the others back?" Hayden asked as Beatrice was already cooking herself some food as she was hungry as Casey was scrolling through the news.

"You can't. The Wild Hunt comes. The Wild Hunt goes. That's how it works."

"But they're still here. And, they are definitely still taking people." It was a good point from Liam and then at the words, Theo's pulse sped up in surprise.

"That's not possible. They're the Wild Hunt. They are all not just gonna stick around. Unless..." Theo thought about it.

"Unless something is keeping them here? Something that is now, just sort of anchoring them, to this town?" It was a good guess and Theo nodded at the words.

"Unless they're stuck." Theo finished.

"You're gonna help us." Liam said and Beatrice looked over at the other easily angered beta werewolf.

"Liam, I don't know what to do." Theo pointed out as he was backing away a bit.

"Well, you remember Stiles, so clearly you already know more than we do." Hayden remarked.

"He still remembers Stiles, only because he was stuck in the same moment, in the equivalent of a time loop for just over three and a half months." Beatrice said and they all looked at her. "He wasn't moving forward in time, neither physically or mentally. His mind didn't catch up and it probably won't. He remembers just because, we don't." Beatrice said.

"She's right." Everyone except for Beatrice jumped, as they had forgot about Casey, who could move as quietly as their kind whenever she was in the mood to.

"You're going to help us or you're going back." Liam said and Theo was looking at him before he looked at the sword.

"Let me guess. Scott wasn't a part of this plan, was he?" Theo asked as she was shaking her head.

"I almost wasn't either." Beatrice pointed out as she ate the spaghetti that she had cooked. "Uh oh." She said and Scott was in the doorway behind Theo, who was now just looking over his shoulder at him.

"Somehow I don't think we're gonna hug this out." Theo said and Scott was shaking his head.

"I hope you realize that it is taking all of my strength to not tear you in half right now." Scott said and Theo turned around, as Malia was growling audibly at the sight of him.

"Oh great." Beatrice said as she put the food onto the counter. "Malia..."

But her twin sister's eyes, they were glowing icy blue as her fangs bared at the words and Malia roared, lunging for Theo.

Beatrice jumped out of the way and when it looked like Malia was actually going to kill Theo, Beatrice dove at her and Malia was sent flying back into the wall.

Malia got back up and she let out a screaming roar toward Beatrice, who had her claws extended. "Try it." She dared and Malia lunged at her, but it was enough time for Casey, to shock her with an electric baton.

Scott and Liam restrained Malia quickly, as Beatrice focused and her claws and fangs disappeared. "Thanks for that." Theo said and she nodded at him before he was trying to sit up and moving to rest against the wall. "It's so awkward when Mom and Dad fight."

"Shut up!"
"Shut up!"

Scott and Liam snapped quickly at Theo and Beatrice was quickly now shaking her head at them. Beatrice focused and Theo's pain was going away, as she was barely reacting.

"You both are right. If Theo tries anything, we will send him back to the Skinwalkers. But for right now..." Hayden argued for both sides.

"He goes back, now." Scott ordered.

"Except Liam's the one with the sword." Theo pointed out and Beatrice was expecting their responses.

"Shut up!"
"Shut up!"
"Shut up!"
"Shut up!"

"Casey, you owe me $10." Beatrice called out as Casey handed over the money and Beatrice stood up.


"Can you both give me a second alone with Theo?" Malia asked and Beatrice growled warningly.


"So I can kill him." Malia said the words like they were obvious and to her, they were.

"Not happening." Beatrice said casually as she put the money away as Casey was holding up the baton in her hand.

"Try it and I'll shock you. Again." She warned and Malia growled.

"Okay, look, I know that there is mixed feelings all around. But, I just might be your only option to stop the Wild Hunt." Theo pointed out.

"Let's kill him." Malia said rather definitively and Beatrice nodded a little bit, before she snapped out her claws and raised her eyebrows.

"Try it." Beatrice said and Malia was growling at the words, but at least for the moment, she knew better than to try it.

"You also need a transformer that can handle five billion joules of electricity. I know where to find one and I can show you how it works. I'll tell you if Malia promises not to kill me." Theo said and Malia growled at the words.

"She promises." Liam said.

"No, I don't. We're really gonna do this?" Malia asked as she was looking at Scott. "Trust him?" She asked.

"How about just trying to trust your own sister?" Casey asked and, Malia looked at her. "Beatrice has good instincts, she usually knows who to trust. If she trusts Theo or at least has a good instinct that says, he won't tear us apart or kill us? Then I'm willing to trust her, even, if I don't trust him." She said.

"You got a better idea?" Hayden asked sharply.

"I have got an idea. It may not be better. But at least it's not him." Malia stormed out of the room and Beatrice was shaking her head.

"About as different as coyotes and wolves can be." Beatrice noted and Casey nodded. "Ouch." She said with a quiet sigh.

"You're ready to drop, kiddo. Let's go home." Casey pointed out and Beatrice followed her out of the McCall house.

Beatrice got into the car and Casey drove off, as Beatrice had her head against the window.

Burn Amongst Humanity [D. Hale ]Where stories live. Discover now