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"What did you do now, McCall?"


Casey was driving off away from the Sheriff's station after hearing from Scott that Lydia had disappeared from the hospital. Casey found herself picking up a call from Derek, who directed her to the cemetery where he was.

"Need a hand?" Casey heard Derek asking someone and she walked up to the freshly dug grave, and she walked over to stand next to him. She spotted the scared teenager in the bottom of the grave as she looked sympathetically at him.

"You okay?" Casey asked and the clearly terrified teenager nodded and by the look on Derek's face, the poor teen was stinking rather clearly with fear.

After helping him up and out of the freshly dug grave, Casey was driving off in a fixed up SUV with Derek in the passenger seat. "Beatrice?" He asked.

"With her pack." Casey replied as she continued to drive the vehicle, as she was following the GPS from Scott's phone.

"Tye?" Derek asked and Casey took the turn off toward the house, as Casey drove quickly.

"Tye is watching out for Talia tonight but Tye also mentioned that we might see an influx of lone werewolves, who come to Beacon Hills looking for an Alpha. You think that what happened tonight was a lone werewolf?" Casey asked and she was referring to the incident at the graveyard.

"It seems to be very likely. I didn't recognize the scent, I might see if Tye can find out where exactly the omega went. But what if it's an entire pack?" Derek was thinking out loud and Casey hit the brakes, as he nearly jolted forward.

"Then we can handle it. You have a professional hunter, your little brother, a cousin that you can call, we can work to fend them off. It wouldn't be the first time that I have gone against an entire werewolf pack, Derek." Casey reminded him and Derek's eyes glowed red. "Hey, you feeling it?" She asked and Derek nodded a little.

"Yeah." Derek had gone back to his familiar, silent but deadly approach and Casey reached out a hand and she rested it on top of his hand. "You sure that you want to be in the same car as me, right now?" Derek asked and Casey glanced over at him.

"I told you before Derek, that I am not scared of you." Casey reminded him and Derek shrugged, as she winced a bit.

"You are bleeding again, Casey. From the gunshot wound in your stomach." Derek's eyes were concerned as he spoke and she unzipped her jacket and glanced at it, and she nodded.

"Shit. I must have somehow ripped the stitches." Casey muttered and she was getting out of the car. Casey walked to the back of the car, her hand pressed quickly down over the wound as she was opening the trunk to find the bandages.

Derek held up the bandages and Casey looked at him.

"They have a distinctive sort of scent." Derek said and he held it toward her. "Now get in, I'll drive." He said.

Casey winced and she walked around to the passenger side door and she got into the car. Derek helped her quickly with the bandages and now, she swiftly handed the car keys over to him and Derek drove off with the car, once Casey's bandages were replaced.


"Are you going to ask Tye to track the Omega?" Casey asked as Derek climbed into her house through the open window.

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