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"Frayed (II)"

Derek, Cora, Boyd and Casey were already in the penthouse and the rest had either opted out, or they were late for it.

"Now, how does a blind man find his way into a place like this all on his own?" Deucalion asked.

Casey looked to her left and she spotted Kali, as she used her claws on her hands and feet both of each, to make a grand entrance, by sliding down a pillar.

Kali's eyes shone bright red as she growled quietly at them all, moving to stand closer to Deucalion as Casey, she was reaching for her gun. Ennis came up the escalator with a terrible growl.

Aiden and Ethan, they came up quickly together to the edge of the second floor. Together with Freya standing there, and then now, there was also another yet another, very familiar Beta werewolf to all of the wolves in the area.

"Carter?" Casey asked as she looked up at him, her eyes narrowing and he looked distinctly guilty. "How long?"

"Ever since the little chat that we had together in Derek's loft. Carter chose his blood family, rightfully so, over your pack." Deucalion explains and Casey nodded a little bit. "You are a particular and unique person for a hunter, Casey Branson. You reject the hunting way, you help werewolves and eventually... You are an Emissary to the newest of the Hale Alphas and... Right, you have a child. I have heard that she does look, a lot like you." Casey's eyes widened, as Freya stepped back behind the twins and she quickly was coming out with an infuriated Talia, who snarled and snapped her fangs together at Freya, who was holding her by the back of her neck. "Shall we see, how much pain, this young Hale can take?" Deucalion asked.

"Let her go." Casey's tone was very much filled with anger and rage, as it sounded like a growl. "She is a child, a kid who has done nothing wrong." She said and Deucalion scoffed.

"And yet, that same child who has done nothing wrong. She shares the name of an alpha, that was not yet dead. She has been marked for life with that name." Deucalion said.

"No, not yet she hasn't, Deucalion. But if you kill her, you will have hundreds upon hundreds of hunters, working to avenge her." She stated coldly and Deucalion sighed at the words.

"You will all be dead and done like supper, long before they could ever know." Deucalion said and Derek lunged for Deucalion, before he was engaging Kali in a vicious fight.

Boyd and Cora lunged for Ennis, as Freya and Carter helped out Kali and the twins, who really didn't need any help. Casey shot a bullet into Ennis' back and the largest of the alphas on his own, he roared in pain as he spun around to look at her.

Talia had escaped in the chaos and she was running away, as Casey was staring down Ennis and the alpha was running at her. Casey fired her guns at Ennis, who was slowing down rather considerably from the mixture of toxic wolfsbane and mistletoe, but he kept coming.

Then, two roars tore through the air and Ennis was kicked back hard, by a pair of Beta werewolves who had come racing into the fight, fresh and new, followed by a third.

Trent and Beatrice had engaged Ennis, while Tye was fighting the twins and Carter with an enraged air to him.

Casey was ducking behind a pillar quickly, checking her ammunition and then suddenly, all of the fighting had stopped. She now felt claws around her neck and she was now struggling to breathe, as Kali dragged her out from behind the pillar and she was wincing.

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