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Casey opened her door at the knock and she found that it was Carter, a familiar face to her, now holding up Trent Argent. "What the hell, is going on here?" Casey asked immediately as she saw that Trent wasn't able to walk properly.

It had been two months since the defeat of Gerard Argent and since the Kanima had been destroyed, but it had come at a terrible price. Boyd, Tye and Erica had been kidnapped together by the Alpha Pack, and ever since then, they had all been looking for them. 

"This might give you more information." Carter said quietly and he looked at Trent, who nodded silently and he moved Trent's shirt up to expose his ribcage, where there was a very distinct set of teeth marks. "Trent, he also has claw marks in the back of his neck." Carter murmured.

"Oh god. Everyone in, now." Casey said and she motioned them in, as Carter walked in with Trent. "Should I call Derek?" She asked.

"You don't need to, I already did." Carter said.

"Who got bit?" Casey yelped in surprise at the sudden appearance of Derek, who was suddenly standing in the kitchen and Casey pushed the door shut.

"One of you complete idiots is actually, actually going to give me a heart attack one day." Casey muttered and she shook her head. "Everyone to the basement, now!" She ordered and nobody questioned it and Casey flung the basement door opened. "In!" She said.

Trent with Carter, they went down the stairs first as Casey caught onto Derek's arm, before he could follow them. "What is it?" He asked.

"You know what will happen now if anyone saw that he was bitten, other than us, right?" She asked and Derek's eyes flashed as he nodded. "My family will kill him if they ever find out." She murmured and Derek sighed, nodding his head. "Can you help him?"

"I can only help him, Casey, if he wants my help." Derek answered the way that Casey had been expecting at the moment as she nodded slightly. "I can help him get through his first full moon, if he wants help."

"Carter also, he mentioned that Trent also has claw marks on the back of his neck. I think you know what that means, as well as I do, right?" Casey asked and Derek narrowed his eyes at her words and Casey nodded. "Right from Carter."

"Shit. The Alpha pack, one of them was the alpha who bit him. But they must have also taken his memories, so he must have gotten close enough to make them nervous." Derek thought it through and Casey nodded slightly.

"But, for now, we need to help him." Derek and Casey walked down the stairs and Casey sighed, grabbing the first aid kit from the lowest shelf and she put it onto the table.

"Do you remember anything?" Derek asked of Trent, who was leaning back against the chair with his shirt off.

"I don't really, remember anything... But I guess, that was what they were going for when they took my memories." Trent muttered and Derek sighed, nodding.

"That sounds about right. That bite looks deep. If your body hasn't started already to break down altogether yet from rejecting the Bite, then you will end up as a werewolf. You know that, right?" Derek confirmed and Trent's nod was clear.

"The same code that Casey has tattooed on her arm, it will be the death of me." Trent said and he was glancing at them and Carter had been silently watching this entire time. "I mean, there is absolutely no way around it. My family will kill me, or Casey's family will kill me." Trent said and Casey sighed.

"I won't let that happen, Trent. If I have to, I'll talk to my grandmother myself. Did anyone actually see you get bitten?" Casey asked and Trent looked at her. "Never mind, you don't remember." Casey muttered.

"Even your influence with that tattoo on your arm, it can't save everyone." Trent said and Casey looked at him. "You can try, but it won't matter."

"Is that how I sound, when I'm being extraordinarily stubborn about some bullshit thing?" Casey asked.


The two stubborn born werewolves in the room were speaking in complete unison and Casey looked at Carter and Derek, who were clearly gauging the reaction that they got. "I understand the constant irritation now." Was all that she said and she was helping to clean Trent's bite wound and she was bandaging it up. "All right. All of you out of here, before I just accidentally knock a weapon over and you all die."

Casey had set up the pull-out couch for Trent, who was having difficulty moving on his own at the moment. "Carter, are you staying over or are you headed back to wherever you're staying?" Casey asked and Carter shrugged a bit.

"Derek has been letting me stay with the pack." Carter sounded just like Deucalion.

Casey went upstairs after checking the windows and doors again. "Any luck finding Tye?" Casey asked and Derek shook his head at the words. "They must have him, nobody else could possibly be holding him for this long." Casey said and Derek sighed.

"Tye is much tougher than we give him credit for, Casey. He has training from you, he knows how to handle himself on the full moon... We can't let ourselves start spiraling, he would hate to see us like that." Derek said as Casey looked at him, before she nodded. "He might be a Beta and he might be my brother, but if he was going to escape out of somewhere, make no mistake, Tye, he would go straight to you." He pointed out.

"Yeah." Casey murmured as she sat down on the edge of her bed. "One of our high school friends is downstairs on my couch a hunter who is probably going to be a werewolf on the next full moon. I have the nephew of Deucalion downstairs, you're here, Tye is missing, right along with Erica and Boyd." Casey muttered and Derek sat next to her. "Quite a situation."

"Quite the situation." Derek agreed and Casey shook her head. "We have survived worse than this." He said as she looked up at him.

"Have we really, though?" Casey questioned and she was looking at him with narrowed eyes. "We have fought the Argents, Peter as a monstrous alpha thing, a Kanima. But we did all of that, with a pack. We had Scott, we had Tye, we had Isaac and the others. Now three of those people are captured as Trent is transforming as we speak, into in the eyes of our people, a monster." Casey said and he moved his arms around her. "Why the hell did Beacon Hills actually have to be a literal fucking beacon for the supernatural?" She asked quietly.

"I don't know." Derek answered.

Burn Amongst Humanity [D. Hale ]Where stories live. Discover now