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"Wolf Moon"

Casey's phone rang out and she groaned, as she reached over and answered it. "Branson." She said with a voice still heavy from sleep, and she was speaking sleepily into the phone.

"Branson, we need you in uniform to meet at the Preserve. As soon as you can, everyone is being called in." Sheriff Stilinski was on the other end of the line.

"Copy that, Sheriff." Casey mumbled and she hung up the phone as she was quickly rolling out of bed. Casey got into a fresh uniform and she pinned her name tag onto the left side, as she raced down the stairs.

Casey grabbed her cup of now-cold coffee from earlier, and she quickly was dumping it into a mug, as she was racing to her police cruiser, parked in her driveway, as she buckled her gun around her waist.

Casey drove off quickly to find that the various entrances to the Beacon Hills Preserve, they had already been packed with police officers getting out of their vehicles.

Casey drove to the Preserve entrance nearest to the Hale House, shocked to see a Black Camaro parked in the middle of the area, directly in front of the burned ruins.

Casey flinched at the sight of the burned ruins, as she felt memories tearing through her and the pain that always came with them.


Flames and smoke were burning and even choking the life out of the people inside of the fire, as Casey felt fire blazing and she was nearly passing out from the pain.

Until suddenly, Casey was suddenly able to smell the open air and clean stuff, not smelling the smoke as badly.

Casey felt pain over most of her body and she could smell the charred skin and the burning sensation, it tore through her.


"Casey?" Casey jumped and spun around, drawing her gun quickly and pointing it at the person, who was standing right behind her, out of just about nowhere. "Casey Branson?"

"This is county property." Casey said as he lifted his hands up in surrender and he narrowed his eyes at her. "Do I know you or something?"

"It's been six years, but you recognized my sister when she came to your door." Casey lowered the gun and she was shaking her head. "You know who I am now?" Derek asked as she put her gun away.

"Don't-don't do that." Casey said and she looked over at the burned house behind him. "What-what are you doing here?" She asked quietly.

"Laura is missing. Have you heard from her, since she spoke to you three months ago?" Derek asked and she was shaking her head. "What are you doing out here?" He asked.

"I got a call from the Sheriff. We are combing the woods right now, we are all looking for a body. Apparently, a pair of joggers, only found half of it."

"You always said, that you were gonna be a cop. Please don't arrest me." Derek said and she narrowed her eyes at him. "Kidding, I haven't done anything wrong." Derek said.

"You are smiling right now, Derek Hale. This is weird, very weird. What is going on with you?" She asked and he shrugged.

"I think that this body, it might be Laura." Derek admitted and Casey blinked, before she sighed. "Give me ten minutes to comb the woods where they found the other part, try to catch a scent. Ten minutes." He said and she was shaking her head.

"Ten minutes." Casey said and she walked away from the house, taking a flashlight out of her car, before she was headed into the woods.

Casey kept her head on a swivel as she looked from side to side, as she was shaking her head. "Everything goes to shit, when a Hale comes back to town." She muttered and she heard a howl echoing around the woods, as she looked up. "What the hell..." She whispered.

"That wasn't me." Casey jumped again, nearly shooting Derek and he looked at her and she lowered her gun at the sight of the body, that he held in his hands. "This was a werewolf. But, it was someone else who cut her in half." Derek said and Casey put her gun away and she was swallowing hard at the sight of the other half of Laura's body.

"You want me, to get the wolfsbane for you?" Casey asked quietly and he looked at her. "It's buried under a spiral, with a wolfsbane plant over it right?" She asked quietly, and he was nodding. "Get the body out of here."

"Thanks for giving me the time." It was barely audible words, but Casey nodded at the words.

"Let's hope that this isn't the beginning of something bigger in Beacon Hills... again." Casey muttered and Derek shook his head. "I don't suppose that you could guide me back to the car? I got disoriented." She said and Derek scoffed.

"Follow me." He murmured and she looked at the flashlight in her hand, as she clicked it off quickly, once she remembered that Derek could see in the dark.

Within ten minutes, Casey walked right into her vehicle and she took a few stumbling steps back. She heard Derek quietly chuckling softly at her misfortune and she glared at him.

"In case you forgot, not everyone in the world has night vision, Derek. In my case, I definitely don't." She said as she unlocked the car as she sighed. "I, I'm sorry about Laura." She said and he sighed.

"You know what this means for us though, right?" Derek asked and she looked at him in confusion. "Did Laura show you her eyes before she died?" Derek asked and Casey looked at him, before the truth hit her like a smack in the face.

"There is a new alpha werewolf in town." Casey realized and Derek was nodding. "How do I know that it isn't you?" She asked and Derek looked at her. "I haven't seen you in almost seven years, Derek, humor me." She said and Derek nodded.

Derek blinked in her direction and after he did, his eyes shone icy blue and she sighed. "I really need to get back to sleep." She mumbled as Derek was nodding, before, she was driving off.

Casey parked the cruiser and she walked up her driveway, as she was yawning.

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