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"Second Chance At First Line: Part II"


"Anger is a strong emotion. It can be a way of anchoring yourself, or a terrible curse when inevitably, you lose control."


"Casey! Casey!" Tye came racing into the Sheriff's station at full speed, the next afternoon and Casey was raising her eyebrows at the sight of him.

"Aren't you supposed to be at the school right now?" Casey asked as she had put someone immediately on hold for a second, just as soon as she had a second.

"Stiles and Scott... They got Derek arrested for Laura's murder and now, he is being held overnight." Tye gasped out and Casey looked at him, barely comprehending. "Sheriff Stilinski is going to book him for murder!" Tye whisper-yelled as Casey was quickly looking over her shoulder at the deputy behind her.

"Hey, can you pick up line two? It's a noise complaint." She hollered back at him and the deputy quickly picked up the phone and silently Casey was now looking back at Tye. "What the hell do you mean Derek was arrested?" Casey asked quietly.

"See for yourself." Tye murmured as Casey's eyes widened slightly at Tye's words and Derek was being marched into the Sheriff's station in handcuffs and Derek looked at her briefly, as the officers marched him by.

"The only thing that we could get out of him was that he is only going to speak to you. Any idea why?" The Sheriff was suddenly now standing in front of Casey, who sighed at the rather unsurprising words.

"Jesus Christ. Sheriff, Derek and I went to high school together. I will talk to him, if you want me to." Casey said and she glanced at Tye, who was to anyone else, not listening to their conversation. But Casey, she was far, far too used to werewolves listening to her conversations to not notice it.

"Talk to him, but be careful." The Sheriff pointed out and Casey grabbed a notepad and a pen and swiftly, she walked out from behind the desk.

"Get to school, T, I'll get your older brother out of this." Casey murmured and quickly, Tye was now walking out of the Sheriff's station.

Casey walked into the room as she glanced at the camera, nodding a bit and it blinked off.

Casey glanced over to Derek who was sitting on the bench in the cell. Casey swiftly was swiping her pass card through the reader and she slid the cell door open. "How the hell, did they get you for it?" Casey asked and she kept the door half-open.

"Scott. He must have smelled the blood from Laura's body, before I had changed it into her wolf form, with the plant of wolfsbane." Derek said and she sighed. "They don't have shit or anything on me. Whoever it is, the Alpha killed her. Bite marks were on the body, they have nothing on me."

"I know." Casey murmured and she sighed, blinking a little. "I'm going to get you out of this, Der, I swear." She said quietly.

"Your heartbeat's rising, what's wrong?" Derek asked and Casey looked at him. "Hey, what the hell is it?"

"Tye is worried about you. Tye, he quite literally just got you back and now, you're sitting in a cell." Casey pointed out and Derek nodded.

"So, do you just need an official statement from me or what?" Derek asked and Casey snorted.

"From a so-called "murderer" in a cell? No, they want me to see if you will talk to me, since you just about refused to speak to anyone else." She said and he nodded.

"So, should I start talking?" Derek asked and she shook her head a bit at the words.

"Keep quiet, because you're completely innocent. I'm just going to say, that you didn't say anything to me at all." Derek narrowed his eyes.

"Camera is coming back online in 20 seconds." Derek murmured as Casey's eyes narrowed quickly, as he was listening to outside conversations. "Hey, thanks for taking care of Tye." He murmured and Casey nodded.

"You got it." Casey said and then just before her fellow deputies could get suspicious, she had shut the door and she was walking out.

"Hey, did you manage to get anything out of him on your own?" Sheriff Stilinski asked and Casey shook her head. "Well, it was worth a shot." Stilinski said.

Casey was sitting in silence on the porch of her house, wearing a jacket over a t-shirt and she looked up at the sound of footsteps.

Derek was now standing just outside of the ring of mountain ash and Casey stood up, kicking the barrier open and he walked up to her. "You happy to see me?" Derek asked as she hugged him tightly at the words. "They ID'd the body as Laura." He murmured.

"Have you already told Tye?" Casey asked as Derek nodded quickly. Casey let him out of the hug as he looked at her.

"You are still wearing it." Derek remarked and Casey tilted her head slightly to the side, right before she realized what he was talking about. Casey reached into her shirt and she pulled out the amulet that was on the chain around her neck.

It was a small triskelion charm and for them, it was the same symbol that Derek had tattooed right between his shoulders. "You got shot by my father earlier in the day, but you still jumped through my window to give this to me despite the bullet in your side." Casey remembered.

"I had to see you, just at least once outside of school, before I had to go disappear. I went underground, in order to hide and heal, as you know from it." Derek murmured.

"I know." Casey said quietly as she tucked it back into her shirt. "Are you coming inside, or, are you just saying hi?" She asked.

"Tye told me that Scott shifted on the field. Were you there?" Derek asked at the question.

"No. I have had pretty much no freaking sleep at all, ever since those joggers out in the woods found the first half of Laura's body." Casey was quietly admitting and Derek looked at her.

"You wanna talk about it?" Derek asked and Casey sighed. "I have just about all of the time in the world, at the moment." He pointed out and she walked up to the door and she pushed it open.

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