Learning Respect p2

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AN to clarify cause I fucked up the POV at one point in the last chapter, Lexie is roommates with Caroline (Hope and Josie's daughter) and is interested in Medicine, Astra is roommates with Maze and well you can guess or wait and see who her parents are and is interested in engineering.

Astra's POV

I fix the old baseball hat that's on my head as I glance at the annoying old push lawnmower.

I kick it and think about all the ways a simple program and a sharper blade could automate the entire process and there would be no need for me to get up at the butt crack of dawn to deal with this.

Thankfully I have my powers back so it isn't too tricky just annoying and a waste of my time.

I glance over at Ivy who apparently has permanently volunteered to work on the groundskeeping chore wheel. Her affinity with plants makes it a no-brainer but still the early hours should deter anyone away.

Thankfully because of her nosey girlfriend, she knows the best gossip and may have answers to my questions.

"Hey, Iv?"

She pulls out her headphone and says "Yeah?"

"Can you tell me what the deal is with Maze?"

She laughs and says "Isn't Maze your roommate shouldn't you know more about her than me?"

"I mean yah theoretically but I keep asking her questions and she seems to say a whole lot without ever telling me any information that is important," I say starting pushing the mower again.

I give Ivy a pleading look to tell me anything about my mysterious and very very pretty roommate."She is a bit of an enigma. Everyone in the school loves her and she is super popular and knows everything about everyone but no one knows anything about her. She has been here longer than anyone who currently attends except Caroline who will only say that Maze reminds her of her mom when she went to boarding school except with a better personality."

"I didn't realize Caroline and Maze were friends," I say as I already plot a way to get more information out of my sister's roommate. "

"You are not going to have any luck if you are looking to sneak information out of Caroline. It's the one thing she won't speak on no matter what. Trust me you are not the first to try and get it out of her and you probably won't be the last." Ivy says making some drooping poppies perk up with her magic. "Caroline and Maze are Nevermore's first students. Caroline because her parents converted their old school into it but seriously no one knows Maze's connection to the founding."

"So you are completely useless to me?" I say frustrated.

"Hey, Astra remember how Harley made you start a jackass jar for when you and your sister say jackass-entitled things?" Ivy says giving me a sickly sweet smile while I see poison ivy slithering on the ground towards me.

I step back as I say "Yes..." realizing my mistake.

"You owe it $20"

Lexie and I really didn't mind, we knew it was making us better people and at the end of each month are friend group used the money to buy our dorm pizza. It made everyone a lot more tolerant when we slipped back to our bitchy tendencies.

I huff and storm back to the garden shed to grab my bag and head for class.


Lexie's POV

I hum along to a long Aunt Alex texted me that I am currently obsessing over as I clean up a room in the medical field.

I have helped Alex my entire life with her doctor stuff so over the last couple months Dr. Grey (Meredith) has given me more responsibilities as well as training me.

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