Camp PT 2

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AN: Sorry I didn't just do one part but I didn't really know what more to write at the time of publishing the first part and I was also just super tired and wasn't sure what time I would be out of rehearsal so Idk if I would have time but here is pt 2! I will just combine them after a little time for convenience.

Kara's POV

"You never do sleep do you?" I hear Lena ask. I scoot to the edge of the roof and see her climbing up. I blink a bit surprised that she is up at this hour. With a big huff of exertion, she takes my hand as I pull her the rest of the way up. "What do you even do up here all night?"

I glance up at the stars in the sky and say "I just look at the stars."

"You a fan of astronomy?" she asks

"Not necessarily..." I couldn't really explain the whole I am an alien and I was just homesick for a world that doesn't exist anymore. "I was told an old folk story when my parents passed away. It said that people who died unexpectedly or tragically become stars so that they could watch over those they left behind from the stars."

"That is beautiful and tragic..."

"It is but I feel closer to my parents this way. It's silly but I talk to them about my day and anything that's on my mind." I say with a sad chuckle.

"That's amazing... I talk to my mom sometimes when I miss her but I did it a lot as a kid right after she passed so I totally get where you are coming from. But when do you sleep? I mean I am a massive insomniac but you are always awake when I try and sleep but you are always out somewhere whenever I wake up." Lena says looking up at the stars.

I smile that someone else has a similar experience with talking to the stars and I didn't seem crazy but also worried about explaining that I physically don't need sleep.

"Well, I grew up camping... So I enjoy sleeping outside anyway so I just nap outside a lot of the time."

"Uh huh sure," Lena says giving me a side glance but doesn't bring it up again for the rest of the summer.


"You want to go night swimming? It's a camp tradition to do it at some point during the summer?" Lena asks as we sit on top of the roof a week away from the end of summer.

"I don't know how to swim..." I say a bit embarrassed. I never got a chance to learn back on Krypton because I always wanted to spend time building things instead or working with the science guild. And since I had landed I had been too embarrassed that I was 15 and didn't know how to swim.

"That's an easy fix I will just teach you how to swim"

"What no! I can't ask you to do that"

"You are not asking I am offering cause it seems like you want to know"


"Let's go! Common it will be fun! At a minimum and we can sit with our feet in the water and just look at the stars." She says as she climbs off the roof.

I am finding it harder and harder to say no to Lena but in the best way. She is just so incredibly human and treats me like the weight of the world doesn't rest on my shoulders and my ability to control and develop my powers.

We get to the water and Lena is so excited to teach me. I listen carefully and try for the first hour before I start relying on my powers. She was so happy that I progressed quickly that it was totally worth hearing her cheer me on.

I get distracted by her eyes shining and the next thing I know I am under water and can't figure how to get back to the surface.

A second later strong arms pull me up out of the water and hold me up.

"You okay Kara?"

I cough hard and find my footing once she swam us back to the area where I could stand. She keeps her hands on me as she rubs my back and I catch my breath. "Yeah sorry I just got distracted and confused and forgot what I was supposed to do to get to the surface. But you saved me right away so no biggie"

I give her one of my "sunshine" smiles as Eliza would say, as soon as I have caught my breath. And next thing I know I feel a pair of lips against mine.

My eyes widen when all the noise disappears and all I focus on is the feel of Lena's lips on mine and it feels like heaven in kiss form...

Before my brain is done short circuiting Lena has pulled away and immediately starts speaking but I am so lost in how good her lips felt that I don't actually hear what she says, I just pull her closer to me and kiss her again.

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