Golden Retriever/Orange Tabby

612 32 5

AN: Yo! We are almost at 200k!! Holy shit I can't believe it I love you all so much I say it so much but you really don't understand how much you all mean to me. Let me what I can do as a thank you!! 

AN: I saw a TikTok where it was dynamic from the title and it made me think of Lena and Kara so here are a ton of short stories, some of the dynamics will be listed above the brief story for each


3rd person POV

Kara: Survives on luck

Lena: Luck

Kara walks through the streets not paying attention to anything but the photo of Lena smiling with their new puppy. 

She didn't notice that someone had started shooting at her until she was talking to Lena and her wife asked "Honey, is that gunshots I hear?" 

Kara turns to the sound she finally notices a pack of people holding up guns pointed at her. "Yes give me a second darling," Kara tucks her phone into a secret pocket in her cape before turning fully back to her assailants.  They were much closer now and the head person tried to use the but of his gun to knock me out. My head moves but barely for the most part it just ruins his gun. "If bullets don't work then why would you think hitting would?"


Kara could practically feel the sadness radiating off of Lena as she wrapped her arms around her girlfriend. "Hey babe" all she receives is a slight grunt. "You okay?" another grunt. Kara starts pulling away as she says "Do you want space?" Before she could move more than a couple inches away Lena had rewrapped her arms around her while somehow turning around and burying her head in Kara's neck. 

"I'm grumpy" Kara hears Lena mumble

"Hello grumpy I am in love with you" 


"I can literally pick this building up" 

"Yes darling I know" 

"And melt a man with a single look." 

"Of course, darling" Lena says while placing a kiss on Kara's cheek

"And- Like a ton of other really cool strong powers." Lena hums as she climbs into bed next to Kara and wraps her in her arms and strokes her back. "Why are you babying me?" 

"Because I know you like it and you deserve to be pampered." 




"...Alright but this is the last one"


"Lena you know trying to bite me can literally break your teeth?" 

"Doesn't matter" Bites Kara regardless and doesn't break any teeth to both their surprises


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